Friday, 24 February 2017

Dreams of Battle and Stonework.

Thursdays Dreams first.

First dream I was in Berwick and we were going to buy wool tweed??  The shop once there though turned into a fast food and ice-cream shop.   I met Melody, and then the guy from spirit science arrived with a team they were going to record something in the basement... I comment it's a shame Corrina isn't with us too. 

Next dream I'm on a huge stone wall overlooking a big landscape.  I'm with Ian and I notice we are surrounded by skinheads with more and more arriving all the time, they start to do the Nazi salute... I remember thinking 'I don't think we should be here, and hoping Ian kept his mouth shut while we left'

Fridays Dreams.

First dream starts of in a vet surgery, it's ultra modern and all white plastic shiny....    I'm with Michael as vet.  We have a tiny puppy cute, it's got a GI issue.   It's brilliant white too, shaped like a Scottie dog more than a Wesite it's a small terrier.  We are taking bloods and going to put it on IV fluids... we discuss the catheter and go for a largish one as we want to draw the blood from the same IV.   
As we finish taking the bloods 2 elderly female human nurses enter...  they have come from the hospital (their uniform is old fashioned) one is the owner of the puppy and the pup is clearly very happy to see her.   She's going to come threw the back and wait with the pup for a bit while it's on fluids.   I find myself with the bloods in my pocket doing the paperwork to send them to the lab.  I'm confused as I have more paperwork for a Microchip but we didn't chip the dog.  The chips is dated 16th feb, but I was writing the date of the 22nd Feb on the bloods.   I ask the head-nurse about the chip, but she says they couldn't register the chip until the dog was at least 4kgs, It was 2.5kgs on the 16th.  Its close to 4 now so I fill in both forms.

After completing the forms I head into the surgical area.  It's very very different to the front consulting room...  I'm puzzled but interested as there is masses of stuff back here.
As I look around, all the box's look old and dusty and there is tons of  medi supplies.   
I see these amazing reactions going on on a shelf... the containers look like a big reals of suture thread but there is many of them connected together and they go threw the colours of the rainbow...   There is coloured liquid in them and it's bubbling from one colour into the next.    I go to touch one and the head nurse appears again.

She's gowned & masked, scrubbed for surgery in old fashioned green's and is covered in blood she asks me what I'm doing...  (She seemed like a surgeon now rather than the head-nurse)      She tells me to get the surgical kits ready quickly we need them fast.
I'm confused as the instruments are all different (old fashioned)  there is no autoclave and she sighs and tells me the liquids are for sterilisation and that I learnt all this in my training.    I also clearly remember a glass container with lots of suture needles in it.   On waking I realised that the back was much more like an old fashioned war style field hospital.

Next was visions I kept getting the  hermit tarot card.

Last dream....  I'm outside looking at amazing stonework!  I'm up-close examining it and looking at the joins/angles and 'fretwork'  (I knew in dream this was the right name...just googled it as it is exactly that!)
I'm re'membering that I've been stone mason/builder architect too.... This is hard to describe as I stared at and touched the stones I could feel-touch the other me's...   The work I was looking at was amazing craftsmanship, I knew how it had been built, the tools and calculations.
I could also see mechanisms in it that could move.... I understood the reasons for them.   As I move my awareness away from the smooth stone work I see I'm in a massive cemetery it's for people killed in combat/war there are statues of old soldiers these are worn crude and moss covered compared to the amazing smooth fretwork that I'm looking threw into the cemetery.     The words 'Least we forget'  echo in the dream.

I go back to look at the stone and I remember my father... I need to see him (In my dream I was thinking of the old architect from the beach dream rather than my Dad)

I teleport to the city where I know he lives...   It's amazing!  Really indescribable
The tall beautiful buildings are all like works of art, but crazy multi media ones...  like the buildings have burst open in places the burst areas are explosions of creation filled with sculptures, paintings, fabrics and leather-work ...    Ships are half in half out of buildings and there sails are beautiful painted fabrics.   
I'm laying under an arch work of  stained glass flower windows, looking at the joins in the stone arches and the leaded coloured glass. I vaguely recall there was some kind of battle game going on here with 2 sides ebbing and flowing, neither making any headway.   


I had a feeling this is all connected with these dreams too....  Seems to fit!

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