Monday, 13 July 2020

Dream Jumping Game, Late to Class.


Long bike ride threw towns, county and city.  Crystalised poop that looks like quarts :P Other jumbled stuff.

13th July 20

An outdoor space, full of ferns damp and with outdoor rugs, I'm swapping them and putting down some plastic sheeting.  It's a guest house and I'm cleaning in-between stays.  (Oh like this dream)  

I'm chatting with a tall African American guy, he's early 30's with a strong American accent and he's asking about the guest house as I'm cleaning.  We are chatting and he's not sure about it but as I'm cleaning the garden a woman pops in to say thanks for her stay, she's Pakistani similar age she and her sister stayed and they had had a lovely break and rest, he seems to trust her review.

Next dream is long and very cool, it starts in a busy city, I'm chatting with someone about Trump and they want to know why people like him I tell them for some it seems to be an Astral thing, different perspective.

I'm late to a class and am jumping threw various dream worlds to get there.   Going to sleep in one dream and into others, or waking up.  
Jack is the first male me we are in a vast sandy desert the whole dream had a feel of a journey downhill, we knew the destination but the route was open to us.   In the desert, we stop and sleep into a snow-filled world I wake with my face in the cold snow.   It's busy and people are having snowball fights, throwing and kicking piles.   I make a huge snowball, I throw it and as it lands it turns into a snow dog, with a big waggy tail, the dog jumps up to play with some children and we keep moving.

Another dream world was a dragon/dino one - The dream was long so it was hard to recall all of it.   We are late so trying to hurry as we get closer there is another class going on in a dark basement room.  I sneak in an take the teacher sedative medication, as I'm leaving a young Asian girl stops me.  She asks politely if it's ok if she punches me, she wants to get into trouble and needs a reason for the teacher to be angry with her so she can completely kick of and lose her shit, I happily agree.

She's going for a gut punch and she shows me how to tense my belly muscles (It had the feel of karate I guess)   I do as she hits me we jump into another dream world.  She vanishes and I'm at the base of an old fashioned stone tower.   The bricks are grey and mossy and it's crumbled slightly.   There is a snipper on top shooting people.  I'm seeing time differently so I see people trying to escape the tower then being filled with holes and still walking for a bit before falling down dead.  

Jump again or I'm in the tower now, but I'm also in a modern elevator, the class we are heading for is at the top. 

It's purple metallic inside and I'm with Male me.   I press against him and he says not now, but it's not sex I want it's to merge.  We do this slowly it's wired he has the same bright blue eyes as me and we feel the pull of energy between us and flow of thoughts and being.   It's intoxicating we are both semi-solid and there is just this flow like energy as we move up in the elevator.   Our blue eyes roll to the back of our skulls.

At the top of the elevator is this crazy space, our teacher and 2 different obvious platforms.   
Em and another she's working with.  Our teacher asks how we can prove the multiple dimensions.   Em has built this crazy pylon thing, it's going to open portals... she's excited.  When he askes me I tell him I won't - I will rely on fiction, story and narrative and leave it to free will.  Em thinks I'm nuts not wanting to open the portals, but I tell her I've seen the AI timelines.

The whole thing was very fun :) 

Also, the dream/ scenario seems to be linked with this stuff from end of April. 


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