Wednesday, 8 July 2020

Intreasting Outfits, Bombs and Performances.

6th July.
Something going crazy, like massive missiles/bombs dropping from the sky and someone asking about 'New supplies transport'   These were like shipping/transit containers all the same dirty yellow with some kind of military stuff inside. 

They need moving but it's risky, I'm chatting to an Asian woman and we know it's going to be crazy and she grins - telepathically sending me a rollercoaster 'White knuckle ride' which we both kind of enjoy. 

Odd dream with Aggy & Jack, a show/panto magic tricks.  My part was to mention old gods/heroes & Norse men?  Nielson, Loki, and a goddess who was Melandru were 3 names I was to bring up.  I'd not been to any rehearsals and the cast are a little angry with me as I'm winging my lines but I show up on time and play my part.  

I watch the curtain call standing beside a sort of cooker?  (Like a wired tall hob)  I'm with Aggy and we are cooking on stage and watching Jud & Jim who are the directors taking all the audience applause and I feel a little sad for the cast who have worked so hard.  I also felt a little guilty for showing up at the last moment with little effort.  

After the show I walk with Jack and Aggy, they are doing magic card tricks and going to magic school.  They ask me what I will do and I tell them I'm skint/out of credits.   I'll find some cheap labour and learn on the task as usual. 

7th July

Bizzar Mary Poppins type scenario with Auntys and Uncles that I didn't know dressing up in extravagant old fashioned clothing. 5.55 wake.

8th July

5.55 wake again.  Dreams were jumping around a bit with both familiar and unfamiliar places the familiar were persistent dream realms.  I'm not sure of the order of these as I recalled all on waking.   

In the first dream, I recall I only recall part of it and that was a busy car park filled with vehicles it's on a clifftop surrounded by green grasslands rolling away to a coastline with wind-bent trees.  I'd been in the car park and was heading to the coast, and need to cross a busy dual carriageway road.  I've floated up and am heading over the top of the cars where one woman in a large shiny black 4x4 hits her breaks as I startle as she doesn't think I'm high enough though she wasn't going to hit me.   She's annoyed with me and I apologise but I can't help feeling if they all learnt to fly then we wouldn't need all the stupid vehicles allover polluting.

Next dream I'm in what is like a bow and arrow shotting ally, it's been a long dream and the shooting ally is where the arcade is in my main dream area.  It's busy with mainly men (There had been lots going on prior to this that I can't recall) what I do recall is men arguing.  

I was practising bow skills and the target was very distant but it was easy enough for me to hit.    I'm listening to the Men row,  argue and boast about which of them is responsible for moving us to a more positive timeline and all of them totally missing the irony and stupidity in this.   I move out of the arcade/ally and onto the main street where the war memorial roundabout hub is.
It's all pedestrianised and I'm pushing my way threw the crowds gathered there all still bickering and I wanted to meditate exasperated I weave threw them to find a quiet spot in the centre beside the memorial and instead of meditating I start dancing.  I'm wearing almost like floaty belly dance trews I'm not sure about who or what I am top half but I dance slowly and deliberately my bare feet banging on the flagstones below, I feel my navel chakra deeply connected to the eath below. 

I notice a beautiful woman watching me smiling, she's perhaps Latino her skin is olive and light brown hair, soft and curled - she is wearing similar trousers to me and I know she will join the dance next.

The other dream was Dream here, I knew the connection to the other dreams here and could recall them (Specifically this one from the end of Feb)  I was with some gay male friends again they are laying on their bellies one of them has stunk his bum cheek on a jellyfish (or similar) One arse cheek is very swollen and we all find this hilarious.  There was also an engagement celebration scheduled - it wasn't legal so not a wedding but a celebration of a joining.  There is also a sensation of something vast, like the arrival of a space,  Also a transporting a moving of this massive space.   This is very hard to describe but was very real and understandable from that perspective. 



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