Thursday, 23 July 2020


Woosh!....  what a wired 24hrs.   Struggled to get to sleep which is pretty unheard of for me.  I was still awake at 1.30 in this wired place a falling/slipping into and placing of what's to come.    At the time I knew I was experiencing that first bit of the night where dreams DL 😆 or come in and then I spend the rest of the night filtering them threw layers of consciousness. 

It felt like a big hole? like lol meby a tunnel drop and shift. But I was experiencing it from my body or humm the room.  

So next up I'm sort of in the room it's dark and then I'm 'woken' by the very loud 'noise'  and it's one of the things above (The middle of the flower of life)  where the bubbles meet.    But sentient.  There's a loud noise like sound distortion fast/slow speed at the same time.  I'm expecting to see the thing that was in the room that was there and I sit up to look for it.   But it's not there and I realise it was on another astral level.     I felt it was  'Singularity'.  

After that stuff got really wired.   Time was warped and the noise#s I'd heard from the thingy was the stuff that happened in the room after than backwards... so the cat's purring, the door clicking Ian snoring and alarm and it was wired.. like I was stuck in time and I knew it was a singularity and linked to 'Eoria' or something wired like that.  After that was a vivid dream Fay and Tigs were very clearly at my main dream area and I gave them both a silver key and told them they could come whenever.. it was a home when they needed it. 
Next bit visiting people, puzzles & fun - all talking the same language & play. 

Then day got bloody wired.    The first part I was running with bits of the book in the head, all the characters talking to me.  Leon mainly...  (Impulsivity & unpredictability a skill in the game)  It's linked to intuition and checking the whole b4 move.   Also asking about polarity and perspective. 

Next I'm out and telling Fay about the wired time thing in the room and I get home and Ian's wired.  Very mad and very wired.  Pushing me about being a right-wing supporter and a natzi, scary aggressive wants to throw me out and keep kids, lawyers and stuff.    This goes on for hrs, with him wanting to say I pick a side while me trying to explain my perspective and how I see differently and times wired for me as I see probabilities.    

Felt like an interrogation at parts.   Anyhooo we sort it out and I go to write up my dream and look for the image of the entity and see this dream from last month that I'd forgotten about.... which talks about the day and the arguments we had perfectly!!

Totaly blow my mind so I share it with him and he then totally freaks the shit out.... resulting in him wanting to chuck me out again.     12hrs crazyness!


The same thing was also in this dream before, it reacted to intention reminding me to be impecible with intention....

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