Sunday, 19 July 2020

Big Waves and High Sea Level.

Bonkers dream. 

It's MMO style but set in London there is some special mission timed event and there are people I know meeting there.  

It's wired as it's sort of astral but also very game-like, it's the players I'm meeting not their avatars and the special item.  Which we can get one of each is a small rainbow emoji poop cushion!  It gives us an in-game unlock. 

We are meeting in person and it's wired, unfamiliar style flats and strange, really old-style PC's that have been botched together and revamped so we can run the game.   It was almost like a 70's sci-fi film set.

One of the people I'm meeting is angry at me for bailing out a while back.... but I'm back but we both want the item so he's agreed to look out for me and team.    The next bit is in 2 places overlayed.   Mismatched kids and parents.

One is in-game with grafix and the other we are in a small blue very modern car.  The car is parked somewhere on the themes Estry.   There is a massive storm and we have decided to shelter in the car till it passes.   We are parked on cobblestone... and there is a tidal wave coming.

This bits strange  cause the wave comes over us like a tidal wave but the water is wrong density, it's gloopy like our flicker rate is all wrong for the storm.   As the slow-mo gloopy wave covers the car the air pressure inside suddenly drops drastically sucking the air and breath out of us.  I'm with the same people in both spaces (Other us are heading to a newly unlocked boss encounter).    After the waves has passed we all get out the car and breath again. (This is like other dreams I have where I can wobble air or water likes it's jelly) 

Next dream.

Tigs & her Dad and a bunch of Dogs, mine is the only one trained and he's leading the other dogs.   I'm using him to help them get there muts back.  We are in a big 70's style council housing estate with big ugly blocks. 

We move from there and I'm in a car with them and we are on marshland. 

I'm looking at a bright blue frozen island it's melting and small fuzzy animals like mini otters are all over the place, the ground is very wet marram grass coastal East cost and the Sealevel is up way higher than it should be.


Oh and another dream, I'd been in a shared house like student place and it's so filled with crap!   The kitchen is such a state.   I'm the only one leaving this time and I'm kinda relieved they are staying as I don't much fancy trying to empty the place.    (This is a wired reversal, normally I'm the one clearing the stuff)


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