Tuesday 28 July 2020

Fuel Station & Impasse

Was woken in the early hrs by a guy walking down the road on his phone.   Was wired as at the time he walked past our open window he shouted 'That's mine, not anyone else's, so go f*ck yourself mate'


It was wired as it lol it was like an ego shouting at totality or something... scared to lose what they are by surrendering to all...

Next was a dream about a 'fuel station'  it was like a motorway service station lol but sort of astral too.   Like this big hub where journeying entities had stopped to rest/refuel, there were cars but they were symbolic.  Shops too and it was so busy the place was gridlocked outside and also inside to the isles of the shop. 

I was standing in a corner and crowds of people wanted to come in both directions and they didn't have my perspective and couldn't see the other people coming towards them round the corner. 

Both lots were shouting at me why wasn't I moving as they didn't know we were at an impasse... so I was shuffling first one way then the other so people could see what was around the corner.

Oh!  This is like a shaman a foot in both worlds!   An eye in both worlds. 

Fits with where we are at in the world at the moment with more and more divisive stuff being churned up all the time.    The staff in the hub were nice.


Next, I was in a white room talking this made me think of the white room from that dream.  What was said is hazy though. 

After that, it was Jinya telling Ren about Timelines and elders for my story.   I also realised Leon is here in this dream.  

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