Saturday, 29 February 2020

Virus Dreams and a Wedding.

29th Feb

A busy night of dreams, waking again at 4.44 same as last night and wired synchronicity with a book when I woke.

So the first part of the night is a wired jumble of health dreams.   First I'm up north and my Mam is there and back and me, Dad too.  Oh, and my uncle who had died, was back there with his wife.

My Mam wants me to try a TRS detox for Dad for his memory, I know I'd like to but I tell her how I'm not close by to help or monitor, and she tells me nor is she (she's dead :P)    We are talking about brain accumulations of aluminium and pointless vaccines.

Next, I'm back down south at home in the wired dream version of here and there is talk of the corvid virus and the irony of the 'Pandemic' app and then the first case with no connections outside the UK happening here. 
It's a wedding too James is getting married who I used to work with, I'm not sure who the guy he was marrying was though.  Adam & Neil are there and other locals, we are walking the length of the town in as part of the ceremony.  (It's still the dream version of here) We were aiming to end at the pub, it was really happy and fun people were getting ill and temp from the virus, but we were joking about it and looking forward to getting to the pub.

I was chatting to Jade (who I don't know but is a mutual friend of 2 of the guys) about driving this is telepathic too and we are flashing each other visual images to help with the words.   I tell her how I'm driving but I'm not keen on it. 'It's all calm in here -fast shit going on out there' and how you have to watch/navigate be so aware.  We laugh as we realise it's an analogy for life and say yep 'Calm withing watching so much fast-moving shit outside'

Wake at 4.44

Back to sleep.

I'm not totally sure of the order of this bit but there was an uprising and teaming up and also a splitting going on. 
This time I'm in an unfamiliar shopping mall.  The shops are connected together with back doors, and part of it is in the countryside but the fountain/game workshop is close.
Virus still figured in the dream but as a 'good' thing.  Like something that was to get/pass threw (gateway) the It's the fear that was the real sickness, this was like a dense cloud.  

Some people are in the uprising (I recognise a few who I don't expect to see) The uprising is about energy and meters and we are refusing to be metered for it (It's a right) and we will go without and make our own rather than agree.  We are standing around a fountain chatting there is a sense of community and a team forming.   In another shop is lots of people it's like an RP shop, or a games workshop.... very busy - lots of very cool stuff going on and wired alternative types inside.  I pass threw here to go on an study a stone. 

I lose the people I'm with and am outside. 
I go to an ancient megalithic stone circle next to a crossroads on a country road.
One of the stones has fallen and cracked and inside is amazing fractal carvings and impossible shapes and cuts/patterns it's so intricate, the stones are painted different colours too.  Stuff that was inside before the stones formed.
It's important and the patterns have meaning, they aren't 'just' stone.  
I'm excited to tell people when a few more people start arriving they know about it too and we are all looking and excited eager to share the news with people... 2 boys try to take a bit of, but it doesn't work well.... and then I notice there is an odd 'dolls house' attached to the top of the broken stone. 

Next bit changes and I'm in a 'province' in Asia,  it felt like Japan or like a studio Ghibli film.  Beautiful high deep blue skies and vivid green grass the colours are hyper-real.  Wooden buildings and people living happily, I can fly over the area and see the layout of villages/communities and lakes. 

Up in the sky bright coloured birds of pink, blue, yellow etc are flying in groups, they have coloured ribbons in their beaks and party streamers fall as they pass.
I'm trying to send messages back to people all the time, and images to show them what it's like on the 'other side of the virus' lol this made way more sense in the dream. 
I was in a wooden building at one point too, with markets and people parts of the floor would just fall away randomly.  I met my uncle Ken again who's dead we are laughing about the big hole and telepathically flashing earth ideas along the line of  'health/safety' 'Responsibility' 'Natual selection'

I woke up with the sensation of a vast pealing away/splitting like taking the protective layer of cellophane of something.


After I'd been awake a bit I picked up the 'Seth Speaks' book a bit to read another paragraph or 2 and this is the chapter I was up too. 

"Now: I have spent some time emphasizing the fact that each of us forms our own environment, because I want you to realize that the responsibility for your life and your environment is your own. If you believe otherwise, then you are limited; your environment then represents the sum total of knowledge and experience. As long as you believe your environment to be objective and independent of yourself, then to a large extent you feel powerless to change it, to see beyond it, or to imagine other alternatives that may be less apparent. Later in the book I will explain "

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