Disjointed dreams - The red bus from the night before was back and there was a journey. Pheonix the cat.
A dark grassy place where water is rising fast. The rainwater is warm and the grass is becoming submerged. I'm standing barefoot in the water watching it rise around my ankles. (A puzzle 3 things to find)
Last part was main dream house but different, there was a letter box-shaped window looking directly onto the shore. At first, I'm looking threw it onto a grey skyed sandy beach the tide is coming in. Then I'm on the beach my brother was dead and all that was left of him was a boot that had been in the sea, I'm holding it and what is left of is it round and smooth like a pebble. Next a duck comes out of the see, on its back is a tiny platypus - the duck eats the platypus and a crow lands beside us all.
Sunday 23rd Feb
I'm in 'Asia/China' (Another night of being in same dreams all night) but it's not really like China (not that I've been there) ... it's just where I felt I was. It's dark and the landscape is hilly foothills /mountainous with cliffs and valleys.
I'm in a tribe.. but also above watching too there is a battle. The tribe, we are short and strong, dark skin have a primitive feel to us we are waring skins and feathers barefoot and are filthy bad teeth.. powerful too and lead by shaman types. We've been travelling the night threw muddy valley streams and have climbed up a hillside to attack. We are being attacked by people in uniform with old fashioned guns - but on this night we are taking the fight to them. I've got a bow and a knife and I'm in the dark on a cliff firing into there fort/camp I can pick out the shape of people around the campfires.. we are surrounding their fort made of cut logs. The guns are loud.
Dream shifts and there is a night outdoor market... people from both sides of the battle are there. There is animosity but also trade.
Moves again and I'm in a 1930-40 city also 'Asia' all the dream characters are Asian but some of the buildings seem more western in style. I'm staying in a hotel of the same style also in China. There is an issue with 2 factions. I'm in a room there, with paper and stationery but I go out into a lobby with a wooden desk and an old Asian 'shaman' woman behind the counter. A British 'Gent' has arrived too posh accent, suited and self-important. He's some kind of agent. (There are 2 factions who don't get on, I think the 2 sides from the first dream)
The woman tells him she needs to identify him and he says he will get his papers and she laughs at him and tells him his papers are meaningless she needs to see his feet.
Beside us is a goat next to a table, it's ancient and has rags braided into its beard and hair, metal decorative rings around its horns.
The guy jabs the goat in its eye and it falls down dead. I tell the lady he killed the goat.

I take him to a small metal legged table (Same wired style 3-=40's) I show him how to sit on the chair and put both calf muscles around the table legs and pressing into them exposing the souls of his feet and foot structure. He hates me but does as he's told....
The woman goes to his feet, she can see his deeds and she tells him a favour for a favour... My ban & warrant from the UK (This was from another dream... this one) must be dropped and if he makes it so we will spare him.
He agrees and the dream gets nuts! Really cool... I'm holding his hand flying fast over snow coloured mountain tops.. so fast it's blurring it's fading into a vast tunnel the reality is blurring and we are in this tunnel of light being pursued by a machine/robot thing that is dematerialising the tunnel as it passes threw. I send shove the guy of ahead and drop down out of the tunnel obviously so that the robot thing follows me.... once out of the light tunnel I disperse into a cloud/mist that it can't orientate it's self in. Things shimmer and there are me and 'cyborg' types I grab a female near me - she's person and metal one of her hands is a silver thing of pointed sharp cones.. like large needles, I grab her by her metal thing and look her in the eyes apologising that I'm killing her before I shove her metal thing threw the wrist of her other hand. This was weirdly tactile, I could feel the sharp spikes tearing the flesh and attachments - woke here.
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