Monday 10 February 2020

China Dreams,

9th Feb
The first dream was like a game world.  China, UK, Russia, US were all schools on this game world each had different rules.  It was really childish and immature.

The UK hated me, and I'd broken the rules there so I was going into the 'China' school to 'hide' from the UK.  I'd broken some petty rule that made the china school take me in... so I could hide from the UK for a while.  The UK was angry about it.

- Next dream is foggy... Again it's got a school/learning vibe.  I'm collecting things for people.. and someone has swallowed a 5p piece.  There is a large sports field with football games and a music studio where they are performing the Lion king. 

The things I'm collecting all start with P.  Paracetamol, frozen Peas and Prednisolone - I think someone was in pain and wanted them all.   On the way back going threw a crowded refectory area I manage to drop the tables and am looking on the floor for them by some big double floors.  
The carpets are that cheap dark blue cordy looking rough stuff and they are really grubby.  Stuff is trampled into them making it hard to look.  Emma is with me also looking at the floor and she spots someone's hash that's been dropped and quickly pockets it very pleased with her self.

I still can't find the tablets when I wake up. 

10th Feb

Back in China (or well it was in my dream)  It's high...  like the dreamscape had no sky, just went up and up.   It's night and we have a guide.  2 of us, (Possibly male+female me) we are being taken to see areas of learning & lessons.   I see yoga teacher Rowena taking a class in a river by a waterfall. 

Then the dream blends into a space of China & Aus...  and I'm with (duno her name... is from AU) anyway we are going into a space, it's a walk/journey... shamanic, Like a psychedelic journey.  I'm seeing it within and without...  Shaman, and voyager.

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