Thursday, 20 February 2020

A layerd Station and more.

Monday 17th

Running up the hill where I normally run and all the horses there all running down the hill the other way, we are dodging each other.  There is an odd outcrop of rocks in the dream on it stands a proff type guy with red curly hair.

At the top is vet Ann (She's not been in dreams for a while)  We are talking about blood and ancestors.   I'm seeing inside a horse and it's huge arteries coming from the heart... like this hose pipes full of bright red blood.    Then I'm at an African street market looking at earings... they are pairs but not matching - complementary pairs.

Tuesday 18th

I'm in a town or city on a warm sunny day walking past a park/green where people are sitting and kids playing. 

A black African woman sitting on the grass beacons me over, she's wearing a colourful gown and matching headwrap and has with her an old Lakeland terrier type of dog.    The dog is overheating and angry, snapping at kids in need of a drink and shade.   She askes me to bring her a bottle of water, I suggest she moves to the shade (There is the shad of some children play equipment close by) She doesn't want to move.   I walk of irritated that she won't move the dog into the shade and wanting to not get the water... but the dog is thirsty and needs it.

I'm still thinking about this when I reach the 'shops'  in each shop there is a Mama and daughter..  each shop is different and I'm in the role of the daughters when I enter the shops.  The 2 I recall the best are an old fashioned style Indian takeaway it's closed but the dark carved wooden tables are set.  Inside  Hindi mama is dressed in a red/pink/purple gold-trimmed sari and has 3 daughters she is teaching us to sing in harmony and to blend our voices.

Another shop is an old fashioned hardware store feels American there is an older mother, white hair American accent her hair in a bun dressed in a long sky blue modest dress.  Server and strict I'm her daughter working the shop but nothing is 'good enough' 'pleases her'.

Wed 19th

Hazy recall but the thing that stands out is an amazing outfit I had on.  It's got the feel of fantasy female armour from a video game.  I'm looking down at my body wearing it and how it feels rather than the full outfit.  It's a dark brown/red/maroon colour.  The short pants are almost like an insect exoskeleton layers folded over each other so they move together but are hard with foot coverings that are the same.  Up the outside of my legs are a criss-cross of matching ribbon that holds items in place.

Thursday 20th

First dream...  I was taking a child to a swimming lesson but I've missed it as I'd fallen asleep on my face on the changing room floor and slept there for hrs.  I'm annoyed that the instructor didn't think to wake me up :) 

Second dream

Then a very visual dream with lots of disconnected scenes that all feel like they are happening simultaneously.

It's a layered train station (Both in structure and my perception of it)  There is the anticipation of the train arriving and a journey... There is a train coming that we are waiting for and we are lots and lots of people.

The station is separated into layers and rooms and has a huge mix of types of people... some just standing looking at the track, but most are in 'waiting rooms' or areas.  

The 'waiting rooms' have very very different feels.  One is like a working man's club, an old man is amongst the crowed in there, there is a bar and pool table, darts board.  Tables are filled with ashtrays of lit cigarettes and glass mugs of beer around them it's noisy and friendly the people are joking and happy.  One man I can see into his heart, there is a blockage that will cause a heart attack..  I move it.

On another layer I've left my dog, I go fetch him it's filled with other black and white dogs waiting for the train too.  

Another stranger room has a bowl filled with urine, the bowl side is paper or very fine wood bark perhaps...  it's soaking up the urine and bits of it are ripped off to be chewed and sucked.  The urine is from a shaman who has taken a very powerful psychedelic - it will make people trip. 

One room lower down is very posh, deep green walls and leather seats posh food is being prepared by a man in a suit behind a gold railed counter and small thin glasses of a sweet aniseed liquor like Pernod or ouzo it turns cloudy when water is added.  This area had paper money, or plastic money... notes.

I'm on the platform to laying on my back on the slabbed platform floor beside the track, I have laying on my chest a sleeping infant of about 2 years old.  He has light brown skin and wavey springy tightly curled light brown hair that I'm stroking as he sleeps.  Felt mixed race - I'm looking over the track and on the other side above the platform on a winding hill are lots more people waiting, most of them are black African I think they have on tribal looking clothing, the hillside is sunny and sandy.  

Then the last 'waiting' area I'm with a guy, we have one guy with us that we are going to beat up and we are taking him down a spiral stairwell that's going below the platform to do it.  The guy we are going to beat is tall and skinny with blond short curled hair seems like he's on drugs.   A guy on the platform catches my arm as we are escorting the guy down the stairs and tells us to go easy on him as he's 'out of it'.

I got out of bed after this dream come into the kitchen where  radio is on....   As I walked into the room Carlo Rovellie is talking and saying how our need for better ‘time’ recognition  was forced by ‘trains!!’     ..... then goes on saying ‘Time is about your perception of it – we can’t synchronise time as it’s and the reality of time as an entity is that it is much more similar to our perception of it’      😝    I love it when the radio pops in a reference to my dreams as I wake up!  

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