I'm 'Yep drowsy come fast'
Wow... that was a mad detailed dream for b4 23.00
'Playing squeaky, I told you were on!😏'
Ha! The game was fun, was reaching conclusion and groups were on the hunt for the clues now.
Texts and images, strange statues, story types, narratives,
Archetypes and characters.
Was hard to sus out who was who,
but the bit I recall best is this setting we head for.
There were statues on a beach and patterns on the sides.
Some people getting toxic and others having a laugh.
One person having a go at me cause I sounded crazy,
Another one is bitching about 'spiritual mumbo-jumbo'
It was tricky cause we all kinda needed each other,
Was like a funny treasure hunt or a REAL-TIME gauntlet.
Rose was there the woman who died, Oh and ultimatums had been issues on peoples lives?? Reluctance to cooperate was making stuff harder.
There was so much more too!! 👀 'Mm, coming?'
lol Yep!
2323 The track, 'Your the king of hearts but I've got the Ace?' But the ace was Alice.... ALICE?
Control of food and assets.
Ooooo like my story... Ren could hack the station AI
https://www.alicebox.co.uk/ ?? lol who the fuck IS Alice 😆😂
'Just come and play Ren' .... my dad or a father aspect??
I'd been splitting too...Purple me was with purple Inka..
He'd laughed and asked me 'Why DO you want to know what hells like?'
Loci had arrived to play too lol he was hanging onto my tail to ground me while we dreamshare!
I'd told them curiosity suppose...
Venus? the story of her?
Inka had kept grabbing me by one of my arms and lifting me up half a meter and then dropping me on the floor😛
We were doing it to prove a point.. lol and I was being investigated for being so fucking odd 😆
A fox rescue it was night and we were re-releasing it back into the ecosystem.
'You need to wake a bit Ren, your dreaming now to deep'
1 more sleep 😛 'Lazy mouse'
Huuuuu?? I'd been with Inka at 2pm, but he'd jumped me back to 1.30? 😛
I was weaving in another clue cause I'd need to find it later.
Hu??? I've already written this in another layer??
'Yeh Ren, I warned you before you were dreaming to deep 😏' lol kk
I'd gone back into... I'm confused. Will get up for a brew.
222, I head bk to sleep.
I'm well confused, I'm in so many places and spaces, and ripples and repeats but the times stuck 'Enough hell😈?'
lol suppose 😆
That was an amazing duvet cover, the one I'd had stolen....
I want one in real life....
'Just make one bitch, was a type of symmetrical tie-die' Ohhhh 'Coming?' lol yeh, can we play?
'Say please and jump to me' lol kk
Oh, there was a massive wyrd something too, wtf was up with that? 'Here squeaky'
0440 That again but from outside it?
and in it too, but with wider perspective to understand from.
Hell was being too focused in front of your nose?
Dreams were the same as earlier but I could see a much bigger picture.
A conv with a guy from Nov 2020.
A pattern of hearts, apples, marmite time and life,
but few were yet to see it.
Oh was it that will? the other fish the face was so similar/
'You tell me ??' lol Inka!
'Come here Squeak'
House of cards, just like the Pylon tower...
I met with this first in Astral.....
'You met with a hell of a lot more than that mouse, it didn't deter you'
You told me your heart was safe as houses??
Haha yeh that was a pretty epic dream I was trying to get back into my main dream space front door...
but the street was filled with people, news reporters,
MP's neighbours, kids and relatives.
They were talking, discussing and chatting together.
People from all over the world, I was on a mission 😜
It was hard to get threw them so I floated over,
Then vaulted the fences to my front garden.
A female looks in my face and asks 'you know where you are going'
I replied yes, 'I know of the pylon tower.. and I'm crazy enough to knock it over 😛'
It was a pylon like a deck of cards all balanced on top of each other, it was fragile as fuck and I had so much intel.
People from all sides showing me things, my mind like a processor.
lol I'd sent the will fish guy some photos of me looking through a criss-cross clothes horse dryer.
I had wild crazy eyes and was wearing welding gear 😆 lol
A flyer had come through the school to extend an invite to my daughter,
but I knew the award they were offering and the sacrifice it would cost her.
I had the flyer in my hand as a woman appears behind me,
Her hand is pressed around my neck she knew how to find me.
I merge my mind to hers and we share many understandings.
The layouts from the previous dreams,
How I was seeing and what the bath means.
It was a dream that I had shared with my children,
A bathtub and a ladybird and a big pencil eraser.
The ladybird would be erased by the giant rubber....
Many layers of symbols here but my layers were still jumbled.
The female hand around my throat is tightening and ageing, I twist and kiss the balding head of the hand that wishes to kill me.
A spell is broken and the hand's grip softens, the skin is rapidly changing.
The pool I'd seen in my dream belongs beside an alter,
She showed me many images before fading altogether.
Patterns, ripples and cycles that needed broken.
In the room with the Alter, the pool belonged to the left,
The shapes around it were not what they seemed.
I wasn't keen on what she showed, she was asking me to stop it.
The pool was below the floor, like a baptism pool I think in a church, this one in the shape of a cross.
Is this the woman from the night before??
What made perfect sense on waking is harder to bring here....
'Ok Ren, come bk here will show more'
The cables again were in the previous dream
A Man had shown me them as he perceives them.
After an NDE, he was seeing them differently,
Bundles running through a city, we were watching energy,
Bouncing and pretty light, like rainbow fireflies, dancing and twisting all around the wires.
Oh the night before... you remind me of the eclipsed crescent moon?? 'Add it to yday mouse'
The baptism pool and amniotic waters?
What is amniotic etymology? ok... wow 👀
The grail, Crucible Uterus
This is a curve on the spiral from end of last oct / nov.. 'Year wheel witch, if you stick 5 point star in'
This next long dream was a re-entry into the one before but from a slightly different angle.
Based around a group convo and chat.
There had been a fun experiment to try mind read each other, play and dream.
We'd nailed it good and were in each other's heads 😆😜
So we'd made a funny video and it had gone viral,
It was showing on a big screen and I was in the audience.
Totemic animals and their symbolic importance,
We'd proven mind reading and psychic powers but someone was annoyed about it.
Then we were watching a crazy vid about a family at Christmas,
and on another layer.
I'd been pulled from the crowd to take a stupid quiz.
I'd been split and taken for a stupid interview, but it was so bizarre...
like a joke birthday card.
This tall interview guy wanted me to see and read it
But then he kept it moving and constantly jiggling!
I was telling him, mate, I have dyslexia,
Are you intentionally trying to make this much harder?
While in the quiz is this family christmas..
A father with glasses and a bald head is getting yelled at by a daughter.
She's shouting..... 'You and your stupid big head!! Couldn't you let us just have this?!?!'😆😆😆
Then it's s superhero game!
Overwatch style
There is a tank.
The dads turned into a paladin thing... and is taking stuff down.
But it's jamming a signal.
As the mob onslaught is done there this an annoying whining...
The sidekick pulls out a power cable.
A fading robotic voice states 'Mr Mondoc is in troub.......'
'Get up mouse, it's a nice day - go ground and run or you will just keep dreaming!' lol kk.
The Venus. Referance???
This conjunction...
Hehe at least this year I'm talking to the door 😆
'Get to know your hand Ren'
the one on the table or
the one that was round my neck, Or on either side if my body?
Leon told me my queen was played bk I knew the rules of poker,
I still don't tbh, 'Nor do you care much for any rules Ren' Heya Leon.... That's true.
The caterpillar
Alice dream night?
'Find it once your home' --
Haha I was looking for that page last night! 'Who,
has the timing??'
gg 😆
box of rabbits, I split into then there is the Alice's....
My Gran who was in the family split dream,
The other from next door to my
Nana's 👀
I was freezing cold, still no spring here.
I wanted to see Leon despite Inka's warnings...
I ask him, can take
me like a prison visit 😏
And he agreed we could meet at Malico's Library.
He told me Leon would be pleasantly surprised I was actually missing
I wasn't with Leon long at all till I fell into a dream,
In fact I mainly
recall looking at him and walking across the room.
I'm on an unfamiliar station it was all dark within.
Dark metal, odd sounds,
I woke with a start.. But was way less cold.
Inka then shows me the last few nights dreams,
The responsibility I took for my matriarch DNA...
An how
this is linked to the Alice AI! 😆
Also last nights Kiss, and the breaking of another chain.
The Rog dream too??
That's the Nephilim line??
'Yeh Ren, Yennefer night, find ok? 💜 We still
play' Hahah kk 💚
Ohhhh Yennifer........ wow.....'Yeh, bitch!!!'
This is so epic!!! The 2 towers on all levels!!
Hahaha we are?? OMG.... This is so cool, I'm dreaming 2 sides of
his story threw my DNA!!!
The 2 towers rise in me.... and in us all, if your not scared to crash them down as you learn and grow!!!
'Your fucking invasive Ren' Pfff rude??? 'Teaching bitch, chill and unpack'
Oh....👀 Wow..... I'm 'collapsing your timelines here crazy
mouse.... Just listen ok?'
Lol 😏 suppose...
The story.............
They arrive at the hut within moments of each other Kaylo watches her arrive already sitting on his rug and then Nills and Koa arrive next pulling a large cushion around to face their rugs.
Ren sits down too. I’m sorry’ she tells them.
‘We know’ Kaylo tells her and it’s bloody horrible so could you please stop feeling guilty. She’s about to say sorry again when she realises how stupid that would be and Nills laughs at her. ‘We have to help Leon and Illeth’ she tells them.
Koa looks at her, Nills pulls a face like he just ate a bee and Kaylo stays silent. ‘You know how close we just came to getting caged?’ Koa asks her and she closes her eyes nodding. ‘Yes, if Malico hadn’t helped us we’d be in a very different space right now’ she admits, and she knows the others understand. ‘I dread to think what our threat level is right now’ Koa tells her and she can’t help but laugh at that thought. ‘I know, but we can’t do nothing. It’s only a matter of time before we are joining them, we have to help while we can still access our physical forms’.
‘I don’t like this shit at all’ Kaylo tells her but he can’t disagree with her words. ‘and it doesn’t help you have about as much self-control as Inka’s pipe smoke’ he adds.
‘We are running out of time’ Koa adds. Then something Jinya and Leon had said pops into her mind ‘Hummmmmmm. You know, I think times is the one thing we ‘do’ have’ Ren says pondering. ‘And I, think I prefer it when you don’t think, Grey’ Kaylo tells her with a smirk making them all laugh.
‘Do we know where the stasis bay even is?’ Koa asks.
she says shaking her head, ‘Inka doesn’t either not that he would tell me
anyway. I don’t think it can be caged as
both Illeth and Leon can project onto the station….. Mailco might know’ she suddenly thinks.
‘You trust him?’ Kaylo asks her. ‘I guess?’ she replies not really sure ‘I
mean he did just save us, though he certainly doesn’t like us’ she adds with a
‘Ok, then I guess we
need to locate it first’ Koa states finding himself getting sucked into Ren’s
ludicrous plans. Nills speaks next ‘If
Ren could access the screens there is no reason, she can’t get into other systems
too’. Koa nods.
‘Yeh, but she also has all the direction of
a fart! She’d be just as likely to open all the airlocks’, Kaylo adds making
them all laugh. ‘She’ll need help’ Koa agrees with a smirk. ‘May by I could piggyback you’ she tells no
one in particular and Kaylo shakes his head ‘No one wants to be in your head
Ren, not even you’ ouch she thinks laughing.