Friday, 8 January 2021

Who's Time?

Strangely at home and yet so far from where.

Lost in between thought and care.

Falling so hard you long for ground
To shatter or crash back into the surround

Rained from a sky, grow with  trees.
expired into air,  we can breathe,

eaten in a mouthfull,Grow into you
Expanding and seeing whatever is new.

Tripping over experience,
Blundering threw veils,
Searching something not just the same.

We breathed so far then we want to come in.

Calling by a gasping to feed a heart,
Expelled again, a place to start,
dancing about us living art

That was so cool... 'Fun!' yeh, wow not even 11. I'd been playing, nah we'd been playing...I was well lost in the game but also way to found 😏

My memory was wyrd but my heart had a way hopping, ridding and playing again. 

Hah 💜 Ian comes to bed.  'You good'  Mmm it was good to begin and flow again.  

'Cool, needs some balance.... tug what you need for now it's all well entangled....(blankets) ware with dreams will change next to him, we will let you know when to move'   Ok.

More puzzles?? wired 4 lights in the room too, I duno wth?? 'Get up' errrr 😵 'lol, Ren just get up! I told you you'd dream different not alone'  

Ahhh dream-sharing 😆 

Move to sleep downstairs. Next I'd been dream-sharing with Malico hunters room. Symbols... & patterns and things and their strings. Will & stuff too. Pan's labyrinth / Andro's the illusion of all. 

Wake 333

Crazy dream... I'd been with Kaylo & Malico sharing next.

Unfamiliar house. A kitchen, some stuff hadn't been cleaned fast enough in the sink.. 

larvae had been laid... looked like Hoverfly fly larva hanging in the water. It looked odd but I'd had to go do something before clearing it up. 

When I come back down into the kitchen, these things had hatched into errr Metronic (metatron) caterpillar things and they were fast as fuck!  Bright white allmost crystal like. 

I'd been asked to try and squish them before they got underthings to hatch, I was asking for help as there all over the show and fast. They were so speedy escaping allover.

A female from AU familier.. she kept going into a building with 2 parents, we were 5 mins early... also communication with a male aspect. 

Seeing something in space.. standoff 2 ship/vessels with another in the centre trying to get at each other past the thing in the middle??  A wired tank like thingy has got from one to the other and is crawing up the outside. 

Lots of hand sewen gifts for a male child, patchwork and embroidered they have.. wake & stretch same calf/calve cramp. 'We follow that next Ren go together' ok.. 'space sort first plx' ok... 

Track ID - Bad boys on their best behaviour 😜 ffs...

Much.. symbols & patterns.

After that I'm bk at the roundhouse, Kaylo & Me are still one entity and we dream share with Malico, Loci and Inka.

I see a box of white rabbits, my grandad's watch I broke as a kid... it was a self-wind mechanism a gift for my Dad's 21's - I'd broken it jumping into the harbour to swim one night. 

'You brake many things Ren😏.. bk here now plx' 
Next up... 

Phahahah  -   Seriously!!  😏 Cool chapter :) 

I'm seing symbols

I'm seeing symbols next.. but viewing them like a dyslexic would mirroring/flipping seeing the commonalities in the shapes and reversals multiple meanings.  

The Ogham, Planet symbols, Alchemy - the use of curve/line too yin/yang
Next time I go back.. we drop again into the hunter's room again, I dream share first with Loci who was on my left.
I go into the knot in my back... feel it untangling, a different dialogue with source.
Ah this tied to the rendering our own realities real-time from agreed parameters and trajectories.  1st distortion... this logos system free will??

Free Will??  Free willy....pfff  

Symbols, Mirrors curve line..balance Share with Malico next and Feel energy moving right.  

Plough Pose, Fish pose.  Constellations too.   Kabala, Nodes, Nadis.. also in and out

Own way song dream link, can't find.   'Found something though squeaky'  lol prahaps!  Hahah oh man...  A megga bull 😵 ??  Sky mind is busy hu......   'Mmmm 😏'

Every body or Every Mind?? 


Well that was wired... 'Wyrd - now plx, ware media Ren'  

That was a bleed threw is that in & out too?  Why my head got so hot and pop?

'Perhaps 😜' Hahahah 'It's ok....'  'You're learning' 😏



'While that would be appropriate bitch... Can you just give us all a break for a min'  Hahaha  😏
Probably if I don't drink whiskey :D     'Fuck off and Darma a bit, minerals too... Your on fire' 💜

The crown is used to set the hands...   clever. 
What about the nose?   'Keep following your stupid sniffy one and you might find out curious mouse'  lol


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