Sunday, 10 January 2021

Relentless Curiosity

You really do jump me?  'I'm going to kick you Ren.. see where you land'  lol 'Just come stupid'   ok, I'm glad I'm fool again.   'Not for long'.

What are we doing?   'Playing so ask & listen here' OK, 'Come me first then go WILD 😏'  lol

Fish, errrr 'Seal' 
Seals eat fish?   'Seals eat all kinds of stuff Ren, they dunno when to quit'

Wake again at 333.  I'd been dreaming.. 'You always are, dw for now just get up a bit'   

Zombi song.. head fighting, same as the poem I wrote as a kid, battles inside projected.  'You are stupid Ren'  IKR, but I can't help it 😜  'Lay down then plx'.  'Will show you just come here plx'  Oh, the house?  'Yes'  ok.

Fruits basket the series with the Chinese Zodiac..
Assange -- No history of word or name?  Leaks... pipes, repairs stronger than the....  'Sleep Ren'  

I'd been weaving, Black White & Red... 'Gold too'   Kaylo?  'Yes' Haaa, or the rainbows will all of us.   'Yes Ren'   Oh, I don't recall the dream.

Oh yeh... I'd been dreaming with Malico, I'd met him at the house... he was going up as I was going down and we kept meeting in the middle.

Also a dream in my main dream house, sorting a cupboard again.  Lots of old tins, some have lost their labels and I don't recall what's in them, I'd decided to keep them a little longer and see how stuff pans out. :P

Need to find the other red/black/White gold dreams.. like playing cards too.

  Crumbling Church

I guess the templars dreams too. 

'Sleep again Ren'  yeh whatever 😏  66.6% of the eggs are stuffed and deviled.   Paprika??   The titration equation again.  

Peppers.. (Ian's sis allergie) The thing Em posted yday.  

The freezer door had been left open.  I wipe the water and close it, the fridge is almost empty.

The court carts/court dreams.  The confusion, roles and games.

 It's Loci and Leon we needed to get threw the labyrinth without them waking and attacking each other??  

Zombie.. song.. when mind stops fighting love <3

Crazy to try or crazy not too?  'You're Crazy either way Ren 😏'  haha no shit 😛

Female prison dream?  Wasn't it jump into the water in under 3 seconds??

Next up I'm seeing the Roundhouse multi D  Round roof, the pointed hat, Wizard, Witch, Dunce.. the crown chakra the one above the head..  

The pyramids where square...  The dreamsharing, more need to come dream now.  Kaylo rather than Leon..  Anyone else???  Hummmm
All the shapes inside each other.   'Bitch, you are nuts' lol IKR, stupid curiosity 😏

I bring Kaylo to dream share there too.   The star with the trailing things I couldn't find it, then it turned up in the vissionary art group. 

Kaylo comes to the roundhouse and joins in the dream share to making a different shape. I'd not seen it before I made one in a dream, then I saw one in a geometry and visionary art group. 

Kaylo comes to the roundhouse and joins in the dream share to making a different shape. I'd not seen it before I made one in a dream, then I saw one in a geometry and visionary art group. 

Curious George / Triumphant George?? The dimension jumping sub-red? 'Mmmmmmm' lol 'Get up Ren, your awake again' lol yeh, about that.......

Keep his tail?? 😛

Yeh yoga toe locks and binds? Full bod poses.... Oh I'd been having a strange dream too me and Ian were on a wired vehicle on a road in the dark, he had some wired black Synth or Amp, I thought it was going to fall of but he was holding it.

lol.... yeh I'm awake 😆

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