Wednesday, 13 January 2021

Blue Hues

'Witch?' Inka...  

Sorry I sux.. 'IK & I will make sure you are 😏 it's cool'  lol FU πŸ˜†

What can we do that's fun? 

'Not your shadow Ren, ask anyone other than me... We are enough fall out as is' πŸ˜› Yeh... Blugh...  


Leon... 'Yes Ren, I'm listening to you' 


Where is best to dream share 'You know Ren, I will offer support as appose to guidance, lessons rather than direction' 


Ok, we share in my isolation then? 'Interesting choice mouse, as you wish'   A bridge or will you help?  'As you are requesting Isolation Ren, I would be happy to offer you recall and support' 


Ok.. TY  

'You're surprising Ren'  

Good lessons.  

'You're not afraid of me?'   Nah…You have an aspect I do not know, and I I'm not naΓ―ve to the ruthlessness you are capable of... but I'm not afraid.  

'Good, I look forward to what we will learn then apprentice'  ???lol πŸ˜†



I will come to you Ren, though we are in your space I will command your respect’ You can command all you want , my respect or not is earned. ‘Good, then I will meet you there mouse’


Wake at 11, Factions, codes, dreams puzzles, offers, changes groups and crews.  

Everything I know about me falling off yet I was still me. Was fascinating, where to do and what to do.


A couple of lines of enquiry I was wondering about. One a team game, I knew the team and them me but we aren’t sure why, or where. Also a strange code, a game that I have an open ticket for.


A name Julie.  

2 men too… An inheritance game, 2 bros… game devs, oh it’s like that Trump football dream.


On agreement, One had been given a massive inheritance but asked to walk away silent. Had been some time ago. Ooooooo….

I’m still waiting Ren’   Yeh, sorry… I feel asleep b4 I jumped OMW.  


lol What have I done πŸ˜„  ‘Yes Ren, What, Where, Whom’   Boggling….
'Rather from a mouse perspective’

Hahahhahaha Well SHIT!!  ‘Come here πŸ˜‰’    lol, hahah yeh in a mo.



I wake next at 00.00 ffs!  ‘😊 We’re good at this shit’   IKR 

lol Next I wake at 00.08 ‘So Ren?’  Pfffff 


I’d been jumping bk n 4th to the current Iso pod in the story Re’ed station. – lol crowded with just Leon, n Me.  


Wake at 00.22  ‘Sick Yet?’  lol FU  



Wake again at 00.44 Hahah I can’t help myself hu? πŸ’œ ‘No Ren, come play’ Haha


At some point during this… I’d been in a really wired dream too where I’m a waitress in a cafΓ©/room but I’m not really the waitress Gate’s in the dream again, his Mrs too and 2 Asian Dr’s.  

I had a message for them I delivered with their coffee.  πŸ˜†   

They were all a little confused --- looking at eachother as if to say ‘did that just happen’    Just wtf?? That was wyrd 



Next wake and there is the most crazy overpowering smell of errrr vanilla both in sleep and in the room?  ‘Ice, Ice baby?’   Pahahah yes plx, I’m on fucking fire here πŸ˜† ‘πŸ’œ’


Next wake at 444 So many more dreams. Sheila’s main dream space… 2 Asian couples identical or mirrored. . A trick game 2 had been playing but another aspect and it’s tangled now, emotional and entwined – interesting, lessons for all.. different governments deeper than all think?


Then a massive old house… amazing looking has it’s own watermill too, I’m in the water at one point looking up at the huge stone walls and windows. (I know it from other dreams)  


A painting in the house… a blue sky and I go into the painting and come out in a paint pallet.


I’m on a ship in a cavern.. no cabin! It’s old like an old sailed vessel polished wood a large well appointed cabin but I’m in the paint… Old ceramic paint pallet and so many hues of blue have been used for the sky and sea, each blue named and labelled tiny black script. 
The numbers logged in a manuscript book.


Then I’m looking at heaps of art, some whole some destroyed canvases twisted broken others painted all in a heap A STITCH. … OK.. links to this dream too


Family moving from a smaller space to a larger one as family have grown. Watching progress threw a garden.


 Back to the big old house, clues there people looking for them.


Most of them are found now, a class leaving and graduating they have made a collection to the DaVinci foundation and I’m labelling the offering to hand in and a female is having a go at me about spelling over and over and over until I lose my shit and yell at her for having nothing better to do than try to humiliate people. I tell her to pull her head out of her ass, that differences are desirable, more have joined chewing her out as I leave to hand in the collection.

 Next the ball under the Lion/Dragons claw

My toe pain, Also the Fairy God Mother dreams. My toes have been so sore all night! ‘Most use their crown Ren’ lol   Oh the other dreams were Jan too!  Loopy loops.... 


‘Collect the others Ren before you fall asleep again, we need to balance & share in roundhouse’ Mmmm I get the others too. Toes… still hurt like fuck!


606 I wake again, take Leon, Loci to hunters room we need to rebalance b4 morning Inka merges as a functional ego aspect and we dream share like past few nights, I alternate the pain goes fast and energy flow returns to centre… So many dreams and symbols. The claw’s, the ball.


Also the White Swan again, Em was there… Oh, I wow…. Lol, sudden recall of other dreams linked with all this!! Pfff
Anyhoo in this dream a guy was making cocktails for everyone I was looking threw the old menu book.. then menu was HUGE.


That sun dream was us hu? ‘Hahah, Ren… Yeh, just learning the culture now πŸ˜‰’ Hahaha 😜


Quick 20min Zzzz.  I'd jumped to the rounhouse Inka was sat outside smoking in the rain and I'd ploned onto the ground by the fire asking why he was smoking in the rain.  Don't recall why but I work with another dream recall from last night.  An old friend saying to me 'Wake up Doll's' and laughing. 

It's 404 and suddenly cold.. 'Warm it up then lazy'  lol  Pffff

It was this dream with  'Jade'  Jade?? 'Will help you find it' Can't have you bored 😈'   Hahahah

Oh this Jade, more of the Chemistry

But this was the dream.  Oh,  Ken had been in the dream last night too,  He was annoyed with me about something??   Hummmm, I'm sure I'll find out πŸ˜›  

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