Monday, 19 October 2020

Massive Baby & Yin-Yang Seeds

The first dream was a journey with people who knew me. We were on what was supposed to be a coach? but it wasn't like any vehicle I've been in. The chairs were made of a light wood like pine and metal and were in small rows of 4 or 5, no windows either. 

I was with friends and they had saved me a seat with them. I was one of the last to arrive and join them so was clambering over people to get to my seat.  

The house dream hub, still with Malico I was asking about the different colour portals and we were going to go to the pink-purple one of the dining room. I'm not sure what I was I was walking upright but I had claws I could feel them tapping on the hardwood floor as I walked... I wasn't aware of pads my feet felt more bird or reptile. 

Next was that wired sensation I'd had out running one day a wired thing at the lower energy centres... this was there for the rest of the night in and out of the dreams.  'Come Ren'  

WILD I'd jumped to Inka and he joined me just vanishing inside me.. I was very lucid and not sure what I was supposed to be doing and felt a little aimless so I'd jumped to my main dream area into the roundhouse and then was dreaming more.. I was a worm or just a tunnel with a mouth and I was eating into the soil and burying down into the ground there from where we had started making tunnels the other day.   

Rather than manifesting them this time I was eating them... I guess like a giant earthworm 😜

A second dream too, I was with male me who was possibly Jack this time. I felt like a child though we were in a car on pasture or grazing land it was scrubby felt like the outskirts of a city with boulders and short grass. The car we are in the back seats have been flattened into a bed and I have a dirty teddy which is what made me feel I was a child. At first, I was leaning against male me to keep warm it was cold the car had been stopped a while and it's quite dark outside. They were sitting doing something with possibly a laptop/tablet. The car had curtains too and then the male left and I was alone in the car.... I could hear things outside and I was holding the dirty teddy. 

Then my brother arrived, he thought I'd sent an invite... but it hadn't been me.

We use the invite and jump again - it was a strange space. I was aware I was underage?! There is music there and games.

It was kinda fun, I had a tiny fire imp that was running around my fingers and up my arm. Ian was there too in a game comp and then other people who end up being male me in dreams were in that place too - all doing different stuff and I was watching and playing with the fire imp... I was dark like the black of the yin-yang. 

I was aware of other dreams/visions that were playing out concurrently too. 2 large glass mirrors I was cleaning they were covered with skin flakes and grease, some old paper too that had been stuck on and fingerprints. I had rubbing alcohol, I was spraying cleaning and polishing them.  

A game it's a strange glowing platform with ther worldly women and a shallow pool filled with small black shells like clams also twisty like ammonites. We get to pick 5 each and I'm in the water. We have a small rainbow bowl to put the clam meat in the meat was soft and pink and I find a tiny pearl in one too... I wasn't sure if I was ment to take this too and I'd scraped it into the bowl with the pink meat. As I was doing this a female approaches me she's tall and beautiful not really human-looking - she has raised pattern on her skin almost like patterned scaring (Reminded me of a dream where I had similar round my face but it was fresh cuts) this was healed and like a latticework over her shoulders and round face and forehead. Her skin was like golden brown... she was asking me what I thought of a person being owned by a Jew? and I'd commented that humans shouldn't be slaves to anyone and that she had picked some tricky lessons... we seemed to know each other. 

There was also a long stainless steal counter with a banana milkshake on it in a small glass with cream on top.

Was such a jumble and so much stuff too 'Yep Ren come back'  

When I'd jumped back I was a worm again eating soil forming a cave until I am a cave, cavern, cauldron 'Crucible' Oh, yeh... I don't want to burn you though?  'Do what you do Ren, burn it in change it, bring Illeth to help if you need to' 

I could hear Inka and knew he was me too but not see him or feel him as I was feeling worm/cave/round as I thought of Illeth there was the sensation of origami orange swans/cranes all flying papery and multidimensional, also transparent angular but soft too.... very had to describe but like being inside a flock of folded orange paper birds. 

Wake at 515 lol wired symbolism!! 😛 The cave I was turned into one of them Tunocks snowball marshmallow fluff things... All sweet and fluffy and white inside... The Yin-Yang the seed of one in the other the white surounded by the earth/chcolate 😀

then lol the White House Lawn and there is a Massive Giant baby crawling around!! It's about 6ft up to its shoulder and it's in a rainbow tie-dyed romper suit! 👀 WTF??? 'Symbols 😏 💜'  Hahah

--- Hummm What were the other giant baby dreams?  This one was very very big.. I know there was one with a beach too?    There was the symbiotic one I wrote into the story but that wasn't so massive as this.  

The scars were 2016 pre-blog...



 Ahhhh Still Temperance/ Art.  I should have read the rest of the page.  'Less fun that way'  Heheh I've still stopped here at this bit 😏


How wired, I'd just watched a decode on portals by some guy and it made me think of that dream I'd had with the strange architecture with strange stuff in the building.  

... and then the other dream is the one I was thinking of this morning! With the Yin-Yang seeding  each other same as last night... but I didn't get round to searching it!   Ooo Inka is that was you ment on the run...  lol  Crazy Syncronisity.  I duno how that fits with this and the plasma??  'Symbols, Come to sleep'  Blugh, how come the other me's remeber this stuff?!  What was the dream were I was seeing the structures of stuff.  Andromeda...  Oh wow, they both fit too!  The portals!
First one
Second one.

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