Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Squashed Banana

I'd been in the roundhouse with Inka first part of the night was mainly just a mental exchange of ideas of energy/balance/flow/boundry trust and symbology that made sense at the time... but less so on waking!   

In another dream

I was in the small bedroom of my main dream house, still looks wired there at the moment, there were buildings I'd not seen before farms in the distance I knew from other dreams and a tall, odd unfamiliar building. I was mixing paints and chalks into different colours. I was changing earings too the amber flea is still there.. but some of my hoops were missing.  

I'd been in Irean's house again a meal was being prepared.
There is an older couple from the USA where they were describing foods I'd not heard of canned goods, their accents possibly Texas. They would be going into the meal.   

I had a job I needed to go to first and I'd headed of for work It was below the same building I was in last night only instead of an arcade it's furniture shop, I go to the front door to try and get in but there are box's of flat-packed cabin beds propped over the doorway and then to my astonishment Inak yells threw the window 'Wrong door bitch! come round the back!'  This made me laugh out loud he had also sent an accompanying mental image of the Yinyang from yesterday overlayed on the building and I was to come in the door where the dot was!   

I was utterly confused as to what he was doing in this building in my dream space. The beds were really rough wood, on stilts the box's saying 'basic value' or something... I'd wandered around the side to where I knew the door was and I could hear him shouting 'You're late!'  

At one point I'd been a big grey owl but I was also another me talking to it - we had a big bunch of overripe bruised bananas with us! 😛

Inka wanted to show me some of his other lives to give context to the wordless conversations from earlier... so we jumped to one where he was a General he was showing me responsibility we had stuff we need to show and learn from each other but I'd been really surprised at the unfamiliarity and jumped back 'Should have stayed 😏'  

Number 31 and also the 2 sliver gate bracelets.

One from my Mum and the other the strange antique one from my fairy godmother, that came at a very wired time! I was shown how there were like handcuffs from the dream where I was arrested at a school and this was tied to the other dream here too I had this summer arrested with the firework on a cow! What's up with the cows and dairy??!! Also to find missing / looking for a bracelet dream

Also, hear 'Lake George & Summer camp' ??? Didn't know there was a lake George let alone that it had summer camps! 

'Confused Ren? 😈 ' Very!! Feeling like the squashy bananas tbh!

I recall this morning Leon told Ren....  'I could answer your questions Ren but you would not yet know the truth of my answers'

'Guess your going to have to learn out the hard way if you can trust me or not then Bitch' 
Hahaha! ffs💚 

Ohhh  I remeber the first part of the night now, it was about why you had attacked me... it was to do with Unity, Other Lives, Joint Responsibility and Creating and Balancing... this was the military life too. 


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