Sat 27th Jan. when I was away the dreams were of a crazy industrial world.
All metal and water, First part I'm in a futuristic sort of sub marian water filtering plant, but it's to do with water quality, it's dark with metal grids on the water we walk over, there is an issue with to much co2 in the water?
Next bit I was in a huge wired floating metal building it was a hospital or sorts (not sure if healing or experimentation) I was a nurse there anyway I had a blue and white uniform a bit like the ones from the PDSA. The theaters were massive all stainless steel with many many tables and teams.
We lived there too in large dorms and worked shifts with the people we were dormed with. There were also huge metal conveyer belts we moved along.
Last nights dreams were fun.
First there was a team quest game it was a chain event and I kept forgetting the last bit so kept repeating it over and over, I was looking for a braclet. It was a flying castle with green hillside. Then some how there was a bus load of OAP's ??
Last bit was an underwater world were I was collecting and making rainbow bubbles. I could make square ones :)We mixed them together.
Monday the 1st of Feb
First dream was one of my packing up to leave dreams - it was a school, Uni dorm I'd been sharing with Emma (old best friend from school). The room was all white with no doors or windows but lots and lots of built in white cuboards and draws.
We had been there for ages and had so so much stuff! I was aware I didn't actually want any of the stuff I was packing up but I felt I should clear it out and not leave it for the cleaners or next ocupants.
We were packing holdalls, and clearing out cuboards cuttelry draws, the amount of crap we had was unreal :stuck_out_tongue: One cuboard after we'd removed lots of old bedding, wall hangings we found baby and infant toys. I was a bit overwhelmed by the amount of stuff we'd ammased while we'd beed there.
Second dream is more hazy but I definitely gave birth, it was my 3rd of 4th baby and I delivered it in a glass room.. on the floor on my own with no help... but there were other birthing Mamas in there too.
It was really fast, I was neckid and kinda went in knelt down and gave birth then picked up the baby and left..... Other Mamas were looking at me confused as the'd been there much longer, and had midwifes with them. In the dream I was aware it was easy cause I'd done it lots and lots.
Sat 3rd Feb 18
In one dream I'm in a city with Ian - we need to get somewhere fast and so we steal an old red London bus. It's dobble deck and the old kind with the stairs at the back. Ian drives and I jump onto the bonnet at the front and sit there as we drive. I notice the sign on the bus keeps changing at first it's number 8, then 60 then something else. There is no name just the bus number.
We get to our destination, it was familiar perhaps the Harlsden area of London not far from were I lived. Very busy we park the bus and leave it and have a pile of 'printing'
We are going to distribut them I think, next we are hummm it's kind of inside but it's a cave with the tide coming in. At the back of the cave is a print shop who did the printing for us.
They have printed wrong, shrunk the original artwork but at the wrong ratio and it dosn't fit, it's also been trimmed badly and I'm asking them to re-do it - The owner is apologetic and said he will question one of the jr staff about what whent wrong.
I go out into the sea in the cave to wait... The tide is going out and the rocks under foot and black and slippy.. they almost have a mudy clay like feel. I realise it's a very low tide.
Ohhh.... I just checked and the time I was having this dream it was low tide O.o
2018-02-03 Sat 6:32 AM GMT 0.76 meters Low Tide -- Also one of them very low tides cause of the full moon a few days ago. Not lowest but a cople of days away from lowest.
Sunday 4th
I had a lucid dream in a dream last night.
Last nights dreams were more communal residential buildings. Starting of in long darm dorm with beds and shower / wash stations.
There were many of them all open in long think rooms. I was nekid and my hair was tied in rags like people did years ago to make ringlets. I also had a postit note on my face. I'd slept for ages and was looking for a was station to shower in. One girl was vomiting and I got it on my leg/bum, I could feel her stomach acid burning my skin.
Not finding anywhere to wash where my bed was I kept walking along past the beds, some people were sleeping, others playing cards, reading or studying or just talking. I got to the end of the dorm still not finding a free shower room and walked out into a large open but coverd porch area with sunshine, it was morning and bright. There was a wooden dome building there and donald trump was going inside, he grinned and said VIP's only in here as he walked in and closed the door behind him. I decide to lay down and nap while I wait for a shower to be free and so lay on the grass.. I go into another dream in which I'm flying.. while flying I realise I'm dreaming, but I recall my life as the dorm dream not this life! So I fly u and out threw that dream scape which starts falling away I have no body and in the space there is a huge male massive he's kind of in space or the sky, I fly towards him but I have the sensation of pins and needles in my head (This has happened before in wired dreams) and I wake back into the dorm dream again.
I'm moving from that place to another, again it's communal dorms but in a diffrent city/town. I'm moving into an old stone building the door lintle is made of an old plogh the room is all wood. I look round breifly then go out into the town to look round. It's layed in a grid pattern of streets. I think it's a version of Ashington were I lived at 16 in a halls of residence. (except in my dream there is a harbour)
There are 2 sisters with 2 golden retrievers and one sister has a lover who she dances with, I'm helping them find there rooms.
Next I'm exploring the town at night... I find a bottle of something an acid/liquid. It's been left by one person to be collected by another. It's for something not good?? I take it and wrap it in some fabric, I know there will be a fight between these 2 people who were leaving collecting it??
I take it to the harbor and stand at the railings on the end of the peir there are stairs going down to the water. As I look out over the dark sea it's full of life, the water is thick with dolphins and harbour porpoise, giant starfish and rays octopus too. It's beautiful they are all looking at me, I apologise as I throw this bottle inot the sea and it sinks. I walk down the steps a bit and a wired sea thing comes out, it's like a ray but moves like a starfish and has suckers like an octopus! It climes onto my foot and wrapps it's bits round me, it's wet and rubbery :stuck_out_tongue: I gently detach it and put it back into the sea and wake up.
Last night
Wolf :)
Was in my dream last night and was me, sometimes I was the wolf and sometimes I was seeing it... It was so real I kept waking myself up when I was running or pouncing.. my muscles were twitching I guess :P (Wonders if she looks like her dog dose when dreaming)
It was beautiful huge and white with bright blue eyes.
I know Wolf is one of the more common animals I dream of.
From - Thursday, 17 November 2016...... ' I was also linked to a wild animal threw the forest it was a white wolf, but it was very malnourished and in poor condition.
A tangly wood, were people can play. Nothing is what it seems. You are the question and you are the answer the asker and the asked. '
At least it was in better condition now, it was amazing looking!
- My other dream was possibly set in the 60's. There was a male in it, a busker he had no top and trousers made from old fashioned curtains... they were dirty and he was thin. (possibly diabetic) Red wavy mop hair.
I liked this male, and I'd made him new trousers. I took them up some storys into a loft room in a house where he stayed sometimes and left them.. I think I washed and returned his old pair too.
We became friends and the last part of the dream we are sitting on a street he's singing and playing a guitar and I'm waiting.
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