Saturday, 10 February 2018

Sleep Tickling

Something that's happened to me a couple of times lately in dreams is being tickled  

It;s really very real and often wakes me up, usually first part of the night before 2am.

It happened again last night and it was very deliberate...  There was an event/puzzle game I was ment to be involved in and I'd been sleeping/slacking  - the tickling was to wake me up O.o  I was running away but kept getting tickled again I woke up trying to squirm out of it cause it was to tickly!! 

It's funny cause this is the time of night I often dream about team games and playing doing  stuff in astral. 

When I wake I can still feel my sides sore from being ticked so much!

After my being tickled dream I had a minecraft dream of being in a huge beautiful city, I was in a hotel room with a balcony with an amazing view across the city were the sun was setting gold and pink.    The buildings were gold and white and so clean :slightly_smiling_face:     I was mentally comparing it with a typical industrial northern town dark/wet and dirty.    It was a very surreal dream, I could fly I also at one point was putting an IV line in a grey cat... I'm not sure how that fitted in with the rest of the dream though.

Last dream also surreal,

Starts with a top down view of 2 'muppet' type puppet characters.   One is like a wizard in a wheel chair with a plaster cast on his ankle & foot, he's dressed in a long blue dressing gown and has long white hair.   The other is pushing the chair.  I watch above as they come up an alleyway it's night and the pavements are reflecting the moonlight and street lights. 

They reach an old fashioned cobbled courtyard/square with buildings and shops on each side, they are all closed and in darkness.   They dance, a swirling dance the wheelchair and guy pushing... it's beautiful they look like they are gliding on ice.  (I'm still disembodied watching from above)  the wizard type guy trails his arms and reaches making patterns with his long arms. 

They stop at a small bare patch of earth in front of a sash bay window.  The Wizard falls from the chair onto the soil and starts to weep into the earth   - There is a small old fashioned child's toy there too it's a red plastic truck shaped thing, the back of the truck is a plastic window and when you wind the wheel a roll of paper changes the image behind the funny plastic and a tune plays. 

I am the soil and I reach up to him, I know the soil holds memory's.   

Sean changes and I'm an dockyard/industrial area with a man, possibly a younger version of the man in the wheelchair  we live in the city, it's run by gangs and is violent.   He's going to set fire to a gang warehouse, I want to go with him (I'm a younger female now)  he refuses telling me it's to dangerous... as he heads into a door he yells for me to 'RUN'

I see the rival gang coming in a car/van - I contemplate running but realise it's futile so bend down and pick up a rock.   
The car/van drives at me and I jump onto it smashing at the paint and body work of the truck with the rock...  I know I'm going to get beaten and can't damage them but I'm going to fight anyway. (edited)
Wake up here.

Another ticking dream..

Though it wasn't the one I had more recently, the more recent one bordering on unpleasant as I couldn't get away from it. 

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