Friday, 26 January 2018

Another CG city

Wed 24h Jan 18
First dream was on a bus trip, me and male me.   We had all kinds of others with us, different religions and cultures.  We were going on a field trip to a volcano to collect coloured gems O.o

My recalls hazy but I was a first aider they gave me a green medi back pack to take. 

Last dream was well odd, I was only 3-4 years old!   In a sleep suit :stuck_out_tongue:
My Dad was there like he was when I was young and my Mum, my younger bro wasn't born yet so guess I was 3.
The setting was like being in a small theatre the show was very strange..   black and red, an old fashioned it was like a cartoon about hell or something a comedy/satire.  I have with me a cuddly toy a purple furry starfish with eyes!  It's full of beans and it rolls and climbs over the chairs like a slinky toy and it makes me giggle every time it drops from a chair back to seat and then the floor,  Zak is with me to at his age and it makes him giggle too.

Next it's a Halloween party for me and my friends, i'm still very small.  It's in hummm an underground warehouse/store room.   there are low old fashioned wooden work benches and my parents have stuck up little black cut out of shiloets of witches on brooms with cats.  We are going to bake and decorate bat shaped biscuits. 

There is a picture/photo up.... it's cut out moves like a youtbe vid.  It's of lots of people I know they are all dressed up as wizards and putting on a show just for me..... looking at it makes me feel very loved.     The whole dream made me feel loved. 

There was a 3rd dream but that was in a darker red brick cave it was so dark we couldn't see the walls or how big the space was, I felt like I could see bricks in the distance..   I think we had a fire too.

Friday 26th

I was in and out of the same dream all night, it was a team game we were 5 players played on a globe but it was also very game like so we could zoom out to the globe view and relocate.   We started of collecting things and communicated telepathically.

The map had been changed and many areas were unexplored this was exciting, I'd  relocated to South America there was combat of sorts but it was energetic,  there were air/wind elementals there. 
I'd met a tribe it was hard to communicate... before they would let me into there village I had to be checked out by there 'thing'   :stuck_out_tongue:  This was a huge dog/dragon/rabbit thing!   It was like the dog on the film a never ending story  but was a rabbit face.  They chief held it on a leash.

It came to sniff me, it's nose was black and shiny like a dog but with rabbit teeth and ears - really adorable and I had to ruffle it's fluffy hair   -  as me and the wired fluffy thing got on well I was allowed into the village.  I was trying to draw a map of were I'd located from but it was hard as they'd not been of there main land. 

I woke but went back into a similar dream this time it's like the CG hive world that I've experienced before I'm in a huge city of metal it's like circuit board but gold and sliver and the  circuitry is channels for energy/light to move in.   It's all sentient, my team mates have all been turned into animals  giant ones :stuck_out_tongue:  They look cute.

I need to interface with the city to solve the puzzles here so I plug in.    Purple glowing tentacles grow up from the warm metal and come over my solders and I melt into purple light as I'm absorbed into the circuitry. 

Next it hard to describe as I was coloured light in this aware city, at first I was just travling threw it in all directions, then I was pink light so they area I was mainly in was glowing pink.   I eventually was gold and white light.. at this point I could also interface with the metal stuff moulding into things so I could break of and kinda shape shift...    I spent most of my time after this zooming about as a big silver bird with glowing gold light animating it.

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