Tuesday, 23 January 2018

More Jan 18 Dreams

Sunday 21st.

I had a wired thing last night.   I've been dreaming lots but not making notes to remind me as I've been to tired   (Adjusting to kids back at school and staying up way to late)

Anyhooo I was in a dream when there was a wired break threw meeting...    it was like mind meeting (Not part of the dream it was in a diffrent space to the dream, I was still in the dream too though)   
The meeting was with a masculine entity and we both 'knew'  intelligent infinity in the same way so we were sharing.   It was strange as it's not something we can explain to others but cause we'd both experienced it we should do this 'sharing'  like meeting of experience/essence. 
We were excited/impatient for the time when all humanity would know this experience. 

Then something woke me really suddenly with a start  - it felt like it was a noise in the room or something...   I wasn't sure if the dog had barked or my tummy had gurgled supper loud O.o  lol

It was odd to wake so abruptly at that point,

Monday 22nd
First dream was a stress dream, I kept loosing things and it was driving me crazy  I woke up as I was yelling 'this is so annoying!'

Next dream was surreal I'm walking to the sea and to get there I'm going threw welll    errrr ornamental food fields. 
The one that sticks in my mind was a brassica feild with a cabbage pyramid surrounded by green and red kale and purple sprouting broccoli.    It looked amazing,  it was all to eat but had been planted to look great too all different colours making patterns.   

I got to the sea and swam out to were 2 different oceans were meeting.
There were rocks too white and smooth like polished marble, the sky was filled with rainbows from the sea spray, the sun was setting behind me and the sky in front out on the sea horizon was pink too..   the currents were strong where the oceans were meeting and I was swimming from one into another.      colours were lovely, blues pinks and rainbows :smile:

I climb up onto the rocks in the other ocean and there are people there, I ask if they can smell and feel the difference.   Once of the oceans was much 'sharper' to my senses.  They can't  tell.

It gets lucid here when a tube train flies threw the sky and derails into the sea, the waves are getting huge and I realise it's a dream..   I decide to just wait and see what unfolds... a plane flyes over and drops boms then crashes into the sea too...  I'm laughing wondering how much more bizarre it's going to get when a space rocket also lands into the sea this makes me laugh and the song 'It's the end of the world as we know it'  by REM starts playing.   

I woke up laughing :smile:

Last dream I'm 'magic'  there are school kids and I'm with them for some reason..  I'm levitating them and flying round them and they are calling me their fairy god mother O.o

23rd Jan
First dream I'm at a big funeral it was for something or lots of things...   It was outside in sand dunes  and tall cliffs.    Everything was pale, the sand the sky, the cliffs. 
We were also looking for items, it was to make a drink/potion or something that would make us all into errr ghosts or dead too. 
perhaps it was a collective funeral  we could also fly like birds - it wasn't at all sombre but it was associated with death/passing.

Next wired visions,  similar to the brassica pyramid but this time it's clear balls (bit like frog spawn) all arranged again in a huge square based pyramid shape. 

Last dream was about refugees I was with them, I'm not sure were they were from or a destination.  We were all walking to different places. 

There was another bit of the dream were I saw myself reflected in a mirror on a wall a way off,  I wasn't 'me'  I mainly saw that I had very long light ginger/red hair that curled in ringlets and hung loose. 
I remember thinking 'Oh, my hairs not usually that long' 

(On waking I'm wondering if this is the me I know as 'fire'  she looked much younger than I usually meet her)

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