Thursday, 15 October 2020

Pond Life ;)

Had a feeling might be a wired night from how Inka was yday evening.  '😈'  It was...

What?? Pre-midnight I'd been in space/void and it was like errrrr playing football with code there were 0's's and 1's the 0's were like balls we were kicking and the 1's made stuff. Only we were just awareness no form - like a code binary game?!?!  'Haha Yup Bitch, come play!'  😏  Ok.

Next wake up was wired too!.... Lower astral here or close to waking level and I was in the house and it was like loads and loads of things coming down, down into the house... chasing, scrabbling, skittering, brining. Dark and clawed, teeth and smokey all scrabbling and chasing down and round and round and down funny dark creatures running down a helter-skelter or wired spiral stairwell... felt sort of giggly too 😁

Next long dream was in my main dream area.   A wired dark version of it around the main house.  It's still busy there and there are people with strong agendas.  

To start with there had been a meal, I was handing out wrapped gifts (Is this the hiding gifts from the other day) the wrapping paper was ugly silver with deep blue stripes and I had no idea what was in the gifts it felt like a Christmas type of celebration but it wasn't Christmas. 

Silver, Dark Blue = Earth Wisdom 'Mmmm'

I'd also given a male cousin a cat crossword book, it was a joke book too all the clues were really funny. It was £1.99 with a soft back green cover and an old fashioned price sticker on the back... the kind of old book that was just photocopied with a sugarpaper paper cover. 

I was with old friend Marie (also my mid name) so with a version of me? 

The estate was wired, lots of dogs and people, someone's pet dogs two chihuahuas had been pinched, killed then cooked (I think it was barking and pissing someone off) We didn't know who had killed cooked it but Marie and me found one still warm in a roasting tin. It smelt pretty good and she'd decided that we may as well eat it now so it didn't go to waste and die needlessly. We were taking it to my main dream house when we realise that we are being watched by a private investigator this woman has hired and we are going to cop the blame for killing it too!
Marie went to shove the roasting tin along with cooked dog into someones black wheely bin but I know it's too late now and it's going to be pinned on us now,  the whole dream was fun and bizarre. 

Hahah...where are you guys? 'Playing 😏' lol.. 'Told you Ren, come bk to sleep' 

I jumped to him... There is me Inka and Kaylo and we are in wired clothes.. it startled me to splitting and waking again. Kaylo was in a brown boilersuit with a wired lettered logo on had a K&I - I was in that wired stuff from this dream, Inka in similar, there was that feeling of us being unpopular again... It was a roles/mission game 😀 'Ren! come bk and stay' lol ok.


Dream of Aunty Sheilas, where Trump was the other day waiting for phone calls on a wired phone. There is more lockdown we have a woven plastic sack of red lentils and some frozen smoked fish.

There was also that big old ceramic bath from this dream the other day only it's bigger and I've just finished washing a dog-person. They are tall and with black & white dreds like my dogs tail but they stand upright, it was more like washing a dog than a person as they were all haired and the water I'm rinsing is very dirty. They are taller than me I'm standing in the bath too, the water is filthy brown more like pond water and as the hairy entity gets out there is lots of pond life left behind, tadpoles, newts snakes.. swimming around my ankles. I was asking someone to get me a bucket and net to get them out so I could empty and clean the bath, I was baling the water out down the sink first so it was easier to scoop out the smaller creatures.  

Next dreams I was startled awake by the kittens crashing into stuff I'd had lots more dreams.

One it had been of a performance at my main dream area but was hazy due to confused waking... 

Before that dream I'd been fighting with Inka - Kaylo, Him and me had jumped somewhere together in the strange clothes.   

Inka hit Kaylo to trigger me, it worked!  'lol, not shit Ren!' 😈 Haha was fun though, you could have just asked to fight.  

'You fight better when you're angry Ren' .. was a fun fight, I was mainly formless only manifesting at the last moment before slamming into Inka...  

'You fight like a rabid bitch' 😈 lol still kicked your ass! 'Lol Ren, you have no idea when to quit'.. Hahaha, where would be the fun in that 🤣 Oh! Was the Kaylo thing like when you got me to split the other day? The Clone thing?  'Yep!'  wow!!  

The performance dream in main dream area there had been a VIP/Queen thing and then a basement with a butler type guy but can't recall much more.  

Last dream I woke confused... 

I was in the roundhouse I'd jumped bk there and was sleeping on the straw bed thing there. Inka arrived asked me to dream share we did and he was digging tunnels under the roundhouse! Oh yeh, a board with a rug to cover where they went down, I was helping we were in different places but chatting telepathically while we hollowed out spaces.. 'I was telling you fairy storeys, Witch' lol!!  😂

We made tunnels and rooms using thought. Oh they started looking like the rock-cut ruins and other dreams, oh did we make all the tunnels under the main dream area?? From the other dreams?? 'Yep Time doesn't have to go forwards, you know that' - lol, I'm nuts... 'To most yes you are!' 

Who's dreams were we in anyway? 'Our Crews' is that cause I offered?   'Yeh but were not shy about asking either and you never say no 😏 '   Phahah I guess. 

---Wow, just did the dream links and 👀👀  'You'll still forget them, dosn't help your doing it after cider either'..  I'll still play though too.

😆😆😆  Is that an upgrade or a downgrade from Northern Scum? 💜

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