Tuesday, 20 October 2020

Making our Own Dreams

Fell asleep after kittens settled down and first woke at 141. 
I'd collected the others and brought them to the Roundhouse but we were moving and creating underground where Inka had started and then I was a big worm.  Very hazy I was aware so much stuff had passed happened...

The poem bury me deep'You did yes'  lol I can't remember what happened 'Some will filter- come bk'  Oh that catacombs, caves from another dream! We made them!! 'Yep' The room with the rattly door, I was there and you guys made other spaces!!! Below the roundhouse WTF? 'Yep, you make all your dreams Ren just don't remeber'  👀 - First time Inka you were in the loft space?  'The baby too'  

Oh and a goat and a key  Pffffff!  I killed you last night?  'Night before Oh...

This time it was just the room, Kaylo and Malico were there and the loft door was open into the dark.   I recall we were not liked? 'Standard' .  Hahah, I duno who didn't like us...  I was running too, paws... running wild canine.
I'd collected, everyone and Leon had jumped us to the roundhouse in the main dream area but you guys all went into the tunnels below again and started making rooms, and spaces to enlarging where Inka and me had been burrowing.   

Next wake at 414!!   I'd been woken by a cat sneezing over an over...  No dream recall just sensation, a call, dark and warm a hug from home - relaxed. 

Next wake was 555

After sorting noisy cats sleep again, I was more lucid at first.  Malico & Kaylo were still
in the earth room Malico was telling me how me and Kaylo could join and
showing us various avatars but I wanted to go above into the weather.   Kaylo came too, it was wet and stormy and I wanted to move.  Kaylo said he'd keep the fire burning inside.  (Something I used to do in dream houses)   I left him lighting the fire and I wanted to go east.  Canine first the feel of very wet earth and pads slipping but claws holding I ran east untill the sea and kept running once at the sea... doggy paddle a little then turned seal to swim further and at some point before I lost any recall I'd turned into a Skua flying low over the wave crests in the spray, wind and rain.

lol your shitting me!!    'Hahaha'   Why can't I be something fluffy!!  'You hate bunnys Ren'  
lol true

The Arctic skua is also known as the 'Parasitic Jaeger': parasitic because of its habit of stealing food from other birds, termed kleptoparasitism'; and jaeger - derived from the German word for hunter - because of its predatory nature.'

The animal recalls were amazing - wild, sensation, freedom. I'd had more dreamy dreams too, a very packed underground train blue lighting oh after the dream where Malico took me to view stuff?  'Mmmm'.  It was packed with strange people all journeying. 

Then a place with a cafe and cats... lol bloody cats were a nightmare last night. I'd gone into a restaurant and then realised it wasn't open yet... Oh it was like the one Fire took me to years ago to help me with some soul shard retrievals? Anyhoo, I'd gone it in was dark the owner was maybe Greek - he had talked about the Skua with me and then boat dream from years ago with the 2 vessels and the 2 cups as vessels too. Oh the captain dream.  

The last dream was like a false awakening as it was with the kittens but a different house I'd woken in the dream and was combing them and there was some fleas on one and a bald patch, I had the 2 fleas between my 2 thumbs and was going to flush them rather than sqwish them so I'd gone into a bathroom. One I'd tried to flush down the sink but it just hopped up onto me again. So I decided to use the toilet for the other..lol as I drop it down the flea jumps again and the wiredest thing of a fly/angel with fairy wings like a line drawing pulling out another fly from the toilet the one he's pulled out is cartoon-like and old and I'm the same size as both. The rescuing fly with long wings places the other fly being on the system... the old fly looks pissed off with the whole scenario and the rescue fly bows and turns to me which made me wake 'Told you to leave my bugs alone Bitch!'  💜 lol that was brilliant Inka! 

 Skua too... parasitic hunter... the hunters room!!  💜👀  gg, impressed again!!  'Why TY bitch'

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