Friday, 23 October 2020

So many Dreams

Wow...  what a busy night!

Inka had told me very unexpectedly as I was absorbed in something else yesterday evening that he wanted to fight me.   I was surprised but I'm up for anything so told him sure.

When I first woke I was amazed at how much I recalled as it was still early.

I'd jumped to the roundhouse Leon & Illeth were there outside and Kaylo too, it was dusk again but dry and still.  I'd hugged Leon and he told me I didn't have to play Inka’s games I shrugged as I knew I’d already agreed and I’m hardly an innocent bystander in the stupid things I get up to.  

I'd asked Kaylo if he wanted to come he wasn't sure but had joined with me as I went to find Inka... the fight was hazy but I knew it was different with Kaylo too as he had a resistance to violence in a way I didn't and I could feel Kaylo’s discomfort.   He’d been distressed after and we jumped to the tunnels below the roundhouse where he fell asleep fast and then I guess me too as we were dream sharing.

A strange dream of a house I'd been with Kaylo still I was aware of him inside me,  Ian was in the  house repairing something and I had Zak with me it was late and I was taking him somewhere better to sleep.   I’d gone down through the house and into a large ground floor unfamiliar kitchen. 

The predominant colours were orange and red with dinner style seats and there was a dog there.  I tried to say hello but it was aggressive and defensive of it's body, I ignored it and was about to leave but it was growly and aggressive now and so I'd yelled at it loudly to startle it, it looked surprised and they lay down instantly and went to sleep. 
I'd left with Zak, still taking him somewhere better to sleep - Zak was older early teens. 

I’d decided to take a short-cut threw a uni/campus residential place my typical dorm type area it was dark here too.  I knew it was somewhere I’d attended a while ago and the keycodes were the same on the entrance and exists.  Everyone was asleep the rooms had no walls for the most part so I was walking past the sleepers in a mishmash of fabric duvets.    

The building was a mirror building too I knew it was the same on both half’s and I was making my way down and threw the left-hand side of the building.  I’d entered from the back at a level above ground, there were animals in the building that remembered me from my time there and I greeted them as I passed through.  I’d had to go threw a basement area to come up in the centre to exit and the area below ground had been re-ferbed since I was last there but the refurb was in a wired 60’s 70’s style.    Garish patterned carpets and shiny handrails and then I realise we need to pass threw the shared bar area I realised I had Zak with me and though I’d go a different way just cutting into the bar but then recall this is the only way out.  There is an act on, I was surprised at the act as it was the small hrs of the morning and nearly all were asleep.  
The bar was wired too felt very 60’s too, not a style I’m familiar with.  An act very old fashioned meby 50’s guy in a suite - stand up style, singing too.   A small table with crap snacks and then at the doorway I notice some scruffy people and recognised my Dad, His cousin who my gran took in and a male cousin they look pleased to see me and greet Zak who looks afraid of them.  All the men are the same age early 30’s and I tell Zak it’s ok it’s his Grandad and then Zak recognises them and they all hug. 

After I’d written in the dream diary realising this was about the male family line /male mind I went bk to sleep. 

Back in the hunter room below the roundhouse again Kaylo was awake now the dark door above the fire was still open  and I’d decided I was going in to see what was in there and so asking if he wanted to come too, he wasn’t sure. 
He’d helped me up into the dark space and then I pulled him up too.   I asked if he wanted to join and I’d drive and he decided he did so he came back into me.
Was wired when we were two as the dark was different.   For me alone it was just black I was moving with feeling only but together it was different like dream dust almost green swirling patterns a little like the visual aspect of psychedelics… I also had recall of many very old dreams as he joined.
I’m not sure if they would be written anywhere. 
One was of a strange city with a busy old fashioned book shop it was Victorian or earlier small framed glass windows and filled with books and postcard card stands on the street outside the books and people were modern.  Another dream of a globe I could move over I was looking at ocean flows and species and weather systems… oh and mountain ranges.  

The other dream was where I felt we were as we were crawling threw the tunnels this one with

I’d woken and gone back into the same dream still crawling. 
We kept moving until there was a Youtube video in the tunnel!  Lol It was going right across and we were thinking the tunnel was blocked the vid was a Bashar channelling.  Someone had shared one in a group which is probably where this came from, I’d not listened to it as I found the voice irritating quickly.  
Then I remembered we were dreaming so I could just crawl into the vid so I did.  Lol this was wired! 
It was all static like and we are formless now in the static I meet an entity I’m rendering as blue with pointed purple teeth, It wasn’t dissimilar to the blue things I’ve been or Hybrid Ren… I was woken suddenly by the xbox turning it’s self on.   (Was wired my monitor and xbox kept turning themselves of and on all night!)

I’d fallen asleep again quickly and we are back in the dark tunnel thing again I was in front crawling I’d offered to go first as I didn’t mind that  couldn’t see anything as I’m usually pretty formless so if I fall I don’t break  😆
We kept moving chatting telepathically,  Kaylo wanted to know about Inka mainly, why I trusted him.

I told him I trusted Inka to be unpredictable!… (Hahah Bitch
😉)  also shared some of the thousands of dream recalls with the emotions.  
After that I was seeing images as we moved, the flea, also a langoustine I’d seen on a vid that day… prawns me and Josh had eaten and then something that was on the radio about a beetle you could drive a car over.

I was sort of playing Image ping-pong with Kaylo – How bugs are swishy inside and hard outside…  Humans are soft and swishy on the outside hard inside, then Inkas voice interjected ‘Diamond bitch’  which made me laugh and I woke myself up laughing. 
I’d been wondering why he’d been quite up until then, it’s 310 and he told us both to jump to him at 313.  I asked if Kaylo would want to as his resistance to Inka’s violence makes it harder ‘Just come 💜 Ready now’  lol ok.

Wake again…   that was mad!!!  👀😲

All formless in a vast space that felt like a errr blue/green metal cube? It's Huge the sides were just at the edges of my perception and were jagged and rough more like ore or unworked metal.   
Inside there is a big brown curled up thing that is organic it’s floating like the space has no gravity, Kaylo was inside me or inside my awareness.  It reminded me of a massive grub the kind that overwinter underground it was brown.
I could feel Kaylo's fear but not like an emotion more like a lump,  knot or tightness at my heart I was formless though.   I was aware that there was a lack of the normal
flow in a small space I associated with heart– the 3 of us had no exchange so to speak we were just an eyeless observing of the space we were in.. then I was awake again!

Where Inka?  What??  ‘Curious Ren?’  OFC!!   ‘Good, come bk and stay this time’  Help plx   ‘Mmmmm’   I was told to take Kaylo to the room we were in and leave him there or dream share his call.  I don’t remember much after I fell asleep again other than I woke exactly at 444.   

Was wired it was 444 and I had no recall Inak?  What?  and as I asked, and it was like Bang massive DL and I suddenly remembered all at once – a massive dream.  

I’d been at Irean’s house again It had started outside with Uncle Ken again also lots of other dead and live relatives(all late 20’s early 30’s)
There was his sons and his brother and a modern yellow car it was very real. 
Then lots of people from My Mams family, many of her brothers and nephews again all the dead ones are there too.. the men were all getting ready to go somewhere and I was making tea and coffee for them all like in that other dream, Aunty Betty (Fairy God Mother) was there.
This is the first time I’d spoken much to her since she died – she wanted to send me to see some shaman thing and I’d jumped where directed. 
It was strange and symbolic different pattern fabrics had been laid around  on lumpy grass.  Small grass paths between them and cushions too it looked like it was a dream hub I guess but I was there walking the grass paths and there were no other dreamers.     The fabrics had tribal style pattens dots and squiggles.    I was walking ‘dream rings’ ??  I was with 2 other women they were possibly Aboriginal.  We were feeling out the space, the grass underfoot but more than that, the different weaves and patterns of the fabrics.   One of the women said ‘Oh, Jesus moved’   wtf?! ‘Symbols Ren’ I don’t get them?  ‘You will, keep dreaming’  Eh??  💜

Then a waking vision /DL of weaving fabric again the shuttle I’m using it made of diamond!?  The word ‘INDEPENDENT’ is written in capital letters.  

Neither are independent as they are woven from One? The warp and weft I was thinking of…  Then another visual DL The points/grid in the void that make the frame…. And the action/work 

Oh like the loom??  Movement??   -  Oh is this the Matrix I was asking about yesterday!!   What is emotion?  Energy in motion? 

Before pondering emotion or Independant, I’d fallen back asleep fast into another really long dream and a shorter one too.  

 – it’s a modern style apartment block on a riverside in a city me and my dream family had just moved in.   We had a view of the river and a balcony The dream was that hyper real lucid type with way to much detail to add, we had been moving in belongings and furniture and there was a display parade on the river we had watched from the balcony naval ships firing fireworks and flares lots of people had come to see.

The other members of the family had wanted to move into an apartment same block facing in another direction, I was a child and didn’t have that much say but I’d recalled the view was nice over country and not the river so had been excited.   The parents were excited as we’d have a garage below and a larger attic room.  As we moved though I was confused the view had changed from what I recalled and we were looking out over a military installation, the farmland and trees I recalled had gone.   There were lots of masts and antenna that had the same ‘feeling’ as they do in other dreams… they make me feel fuzzy and staticky and I didn’t like it.
I’d tried all the different rooms (Which are white and very modern)  but could feel the masts still and was asking to go back to the other apartment.  
I’d gone outside into a big line of people mainly men again,  it was like a line for a football match!  Crash barriers along the side of the line and then, law enforcement or military types with guns on the road.
I’d been going to ask them about it about it and then though it was pointless but one of the soldiers that I kind of knew was one of our team but I wasn’t sure who/why had spotted me and told me to come forward, I was reluctant but they were encouraging so I’d hopped the barrier and go to ask about the masts and the wired feel.   Some of them know what I meant. 
One guy suggests asking them to block it and then another says it won’t work like that, we know how these things are.   A 3rd suggests telling the football team it might stop transfers and get the supporters onside.  In the interim I had been told to try and get the people to move around to the other side of the building again. !?!

In the shorter dream…  I was talking to someone I knew we were in a building we had to get out of soon, she like me was odd and talking to people.  We were telling eachother our destinations… it was a moving out hide & Seek tag and disguise game. 

lol… Guys!  WTF?  Another DL but I’m just confused now…  Was seeing stuff pressed/ waving / weaving flowing - I’d felt it made a lucid dream?? Who's Dream??  'Karma'  What?   What is karma?.... actually NVM tell me tomorrow night my heads going to pop allready

Then a wired thing of ‘tell them not to stress too much, hopefully we can go back’  I knew this was something to do with the lucid dream I’d just been in.    

Oh Inka… was this MY GO?  Errrrr what did you say to me last night, lol bloody hell!!....    I feel wired and dizzy!  ‘Hehehehe, I told you you'd end up sorry for messing with the rules’ 
   Hahaha 😜  I feel sick again!  💚

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