Monday, 5 October 2020

Roundhouse & Old House

Moon and Mars - They look great.   

'We feel you Ren, jump where ever we will find you' 
  Ooooo, I could!   'Hahahah sure, create whatever you want just don't make Kaylo into a crow though - not yet anyway' 
He'll be ok?  
'OFC Bitch, he dosn't need to see you die though, that's your shit, Ren - you feel'   
'Trust bitch, we will come and find you... fly's to shit remember'    Hahah ok,  'Sleep then!'

So I'd decided early in the day I kinda wanted a roundhouse, old-style one Inka told me to just make one and I realised I can do that now... It may have crossed my mind Kaylo would make a good crow 😏. Anyhoo, I wasn't sure where or how but felt that my main dream area would be best place to put it but wasn't sure where was pondering when I fell asleep.  

Wake at 00.55 felt like I'd been away asleep for weeks.... I'd had a long dream? 'lol Ren you don't recall? give it a mo' Ohhh, was with you guys and oh! I made a new space! 'Hahah yep, Come to the hut on the station now Ren'  


So I'd tried a few spaces I manifested it onto the beach first but was too windy then I tried the dunes but the grass was spiky and the view was spiky and then I knew!   

The bottom horse field with the burn flowing threw that had the wired vibe.

As a kid, it felt 'Ancient' like I needed to 'ask' permission to go there. I used to go alone sometimes at dusk taking apples for the ponies, some days it wasn't welcoming.  - I recall I'd gone there one night alone on Acid too.

Anyhoo the field had a 'presence' lol I'd forgotten that bit till now! and I was just thinking about how I could go get younger me's and take them there!!! πŸ‘€ Hahahah  

'You've been doing this shit all your life Ren, you're just starting to remember it more'  

Anyhow the field was perfect.
It was the glowing purple dusk and the horses were in the field with me it's a little boggy in bits as I'd recalled it from school and I remember walking with the infant school when I was 5 there to collect frogspawn for the classroom... I could experience that too in the dream.

I manifest the roundhouse by the small stand of windblown hawthorn trees but at the end, so that the horses can still shelter there.
I'd moved sand from the beach but I'd done that in old hessian sacks for some reason, they were heavy... I'd put the sand on the floor to help with the mud and damp and the marram grass to I'd piled up, to make a bed sleepy bit... needed animal skins.   
lol I felt like I was there for weeks, at first I'd just been manifesting but I started to enjoy the process of just collecting and gathering bits and bobs. I know I was collecting driftwood too but that bits Hazy. 

Also in another bit...

I'd been playing a game in god mode looking down on a wired world it was like a farming game and I'd been on bug squash and harvest.... I'd been surprised at someone who had taken me for 'government' 

'Ren. Meet me at the station hut' Ok.

I'd fallen asleep quickly again and Jumped to Inka at the hut.. I split here into 2 dreams.
Inka is standing waiting to take me back into the house dream and threw the portal we entered last night (It's the re-entry into the knight's templar/blood ritual- soul retrieval from years ago)

Still not sure how the house stuff is supposed to fit into the story!

Anyhoo Inka changes my avatar back to the elder form and ports me bk but I split and stay hut too and dream there.  I was there alone as others are in the portal in the house, I'd already checked out visually from the portal dream and knew my awareness there was free form floating in the others so I didn't bother focusing much there as I knew what was coming. 


The dream I'd been in was my main dream area I'd revisited the series of templar dreams I'd had there. My first recall is of being where the old grocers were.. it's all wood, old fashioned looking and I was selling bread & newspapers. The dream space is still very busy lots and lots of people.... I was splitting with my elder form too so I was there with bright white skin and tall with long fingers.  

The street was like it was in them dreams and I was with an old school friend Aggy, he was angry and upset we were in a building that was possibly above the bank.... I was hearing people. I'd flown along the coast it was different like the frog/Elohim dream. Swamps, lush, dolphins many people swimming in coastal pools and bright too sunny.... I was crying at the beauty of it as I flew over and above it.  

Woke suddenly looked at the time it was 616 and venus in the window - lol morning Venus.... Inka?  'Yep Ren you good? We killed you again and drank your blood 😈 - consensual this time so no fragmentation, just further entanglement'   Oh... ok πŸ˜† Hahah that's fine then😜   'All part of each other, alive and connected'   The cave dream where you all died inside?? 

Is that why I was back in the other dream?  
'Yes' Where is Ren?  'lol in you!... Just reform when you jump πŸ’œ'  Ok, thanks and for taking me.  I want to see Malico.  'Jump to him' Is Kaylo awake? 'Jump back to house now Ren, fast B4 morning we are all here'  

Jumped back but am Ren out the story again Grey alien/hybrid.  Inka not there.  Saw and hugged  Leon & Illeth and Kaylo. Then Jumped to Malico too to check in with them all before I had to wake gone 7.

The Blind Woman no Teeth Is this an even older me???  Time now... so wired perspective me?? 

_ Oh... the dreams from that whole Month are wired is that the 2017 7 year cycle?  'Just dream Ren, come back soon'   πŸ’œ

I want to go back to the Round house & go wolf.     'Remeber Ren, all symbols all narative... Your dreaming, you all are'  Oh Leon? 'and Malico now too'   Oh  πŸ‘€  Heya πŸ’™

Ohhhh   This one too???    Blughh... I want my sleep perspective! 'Your Learning Trust Ren, and patients'   lol,  still not focus then πŸ˜†

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