Thursday, 29 October 2020

What could possibly go wrong?

 Pfffff So yesterday afternoon I'd gained more recall and understanding into the tower card and what I'd agreed too again 😏

We can take responsibility for eachother? We know unity, we know we are eachother...   'Yep, you  can take responsibility for any shit, if your stupid enough'

 <3   When you were a general you took the responsibility for the others?    'As did you when you offered service'   We are both in Service?   The void game?  Why is this so hard to bring to waking?  'Lots of other lives'  I see so much stuff that others don't it's mine or I'd not see it.     'Your not afraid to look into the darkest aspects of the psyche' 

Ah... Similar lessons similar times...  Oh the Solomon's Temple.... Are we wrapping up this earth game?  

What did you tell me last night....  'Should have written it down'  I wasn't sure I wanted to recall 😛  'lol, what makes you think you want to know now?'   Curiosity, desire and stupidity I suppose   Oh thanks...  You showed me how I could lean into you for form & Structure.   It's energy flow/geometric polarity... 

Fuck.... I remember more now, TY.  'You'll forget again'    Tower is the death of the mind/ego   The surrender into spirit...   Last time it was crown Chakra and light, I'm upside down now... 'Inside out too'    Extremists...    SO I'm not surrendering into light!!

Fuck... Inka.   'lol Ren'  Ian reminding me of Devin then deciding after years I wanted to listen to Rammstein  - Josh came in and asked what Vid was about... I told him German I thought it was I will so checked lyrics.....

I want

I want

I want


(I want) I want that you trust me

(I want) I want that you believe me

(I want) I want to feel your glances

(I want) to control every heartbeat


(I want) I want to hear your voices

(I want) I want the peace disturbed

(I want) I want that you watch me carefully

(I want) I want that you understand me

(I want) I want your fantasy

(I want) I want your energy

(I want) I want to see your hands

(I want) to drown in cheering


Do you see me?

Do you understand me?

Do you feel me?

Do you hear me?


Can you hear me?

(We hear you)

Can you see me?

(We see you)

Can you feel me?

(We feel you)

I don't understand you


Can you hear me?

(We hear you)

Can you see me?

(We see you)

Can you feel me?

(We feel you)

I don't understand you

The reference to last nights dreams... The arresting.    'Trance & Acid,  your dreaming your life'  Why is it so fucking wired!!  'Mirror' lol  thanks  :P    So earth IS just another rehab/prison/sandbox/ VR for bruised Bananas??  'Ren 😏'

Hahah the vid up now!!....   Symbols Ren, you read them many people don't even want to see or know about the shit you've agree too.   'You wanted to be whole'  Ohhh this is Zeitgeist spirit of the age threw creative expression!!  

The Mirror....   'You still see only love'   Wired love but yes!!! I know the symbols!!   'You'll still forget but less each time' 

Never anyone victims but our own...   Extremists

Your calculating & manipulating as your more male mind, I'm volatile as I flow birth/kill
- Why are we separate? ......... Oh last night you offered me your boundary's  lol  O.o  WOW    'Yep'   Fuck!!  'You offered me love'  fuck...   'Wobbling?'    Mmmmmmmm  ';)'   

What the hell... Watching this My Dad fisher Man, North Sea.. The Germanic links and then....   Why is the boat called Andrea?!?!?...   'Vessel'  
Rammstein - Reise, Reise

Wobbling more....  'Good!!'   lol... Errrr I'm losing my shit here and it's not time to sleep.  'You'll be fine, you've done this plenty'   Mate?!  How many...  'One ofc'  Inka!!  'You accepted my boundary's Ren, you just need to fall over'  


Lol, that's ok then?!!  The tower dream was after the parameters dream, 'Yep, fun hu?!!'    I duno.. Suppose...  I think I'm going to puke though.   'Possibly' 

I agreed to try your boundary's 'OFC witch, you change the rules at your will always have it's why we are in such a fucking shit storm'  So this is my fault....  'Your dream <3'  I feel like I'm on acid...   'OFC DMT'   I'm not sure this will be a good trip 😛   ' You'll be fine Bitch, your indestructible 😈'  Hahahah 

Oh the help??  'Comes with boundary's'  lol, what the fuck have I agreed to now!!   'Wobble a while!' 

It's filtering in :P   This is why I dream with a male aspect?   'Yes'   Inka?  'I'm as extreme as you...... in my own way' 


'My boundary's are easier to reject than your unconditional love.. Parasite' 


Whoosh...  'Mirror too'  I'm not used to feeling loved hu?  'Your capable of vast and unconditional love... your unaccepting of control to the point of rejecting support and care'    So I'm feeling?   'Contained'   I'm....  'I know, YW Witch'

Errrrr  Why is it making me cry?   'Upside down tower'   'Game, play enjoy, don't think feel' 
<3 I've not experienced anything like this....   What came first?  'Chicken or egg?'  Lol  The child me feeling split or older me feeling contained :P  'Ripples Ren, it's all rippling from Now'   Pffff 💚   'You knew you'd break'   Mmmmmm and you told me would it be fine.

I feel 'NOW & HERE'.......  Wow,  Thanks. 

The uniforms are so real...  'I know Ren'   It's all real isn't it?  'Unreal too, it's all experience'    Kaylo?  'Will be fine... He loves you Ren just can't deal with you and your crap'

The contracts the other home?  'One thing at a time we are putting eachother back together'   I feel so much hurt and longing and love...  'It will lead you home... Ride it till sleep'

'Scared I'll vanish, or that I won't Bitch?' DNE, and you don't need me to answer that, you feel me :P  'Your fire is back then bitch, boundary's remain'  I duno what to think?  'Then don't feel, it's your strength'    Thanks

Kaylo trusts me in the same way as I trust you hu?    'Spirals' lol 'Forget the questions witch, have a brew and come home'  yes

So many centres want to come home... Blue, Green and root.   'The Rog dreams Ren... The magnetic attraction'    Errrrr   'Drink tea, we show'


WOW  'lol'  Kids are playing a game....  Killer/imposter/bait and emergency meeting RPG... Basically a lie off!  .... Who has the best alibies Daughter keeps having to pick who is lying to her... best friend or her brother!!   How dose this work??? Framework 2/void.... where you sit with me and manipulate it....    Your serious aren't you?   'Deadly ;) '  lol Inak

It's crap like this that made Kaylo check out and me burn shit....  '💜 It's cool  let me think'  lol  You know what.......what ever, why the hell not trust my manipulating, assassin, alter ego... What could possibly go wrong!  'Good bitch 😏'  Hahahah    

___ and again, I log into game where I'm instantly supposed to scare something home  'Just be BO Peep Ren let me scare the sheep'   Inka!  'Team, bitch it works when you let it'  O.o 

WTF is going on.   Inka... Wtf are you doing to me?!!  'It's we and it's tower'  Must be 20 years since I herd this wtf is it doing playing now on an 8hr old mix....  
Original The Lost Boys Cry Little Sister by G Tom Mac 

This is an intersection bleed threw!!!   'It is'   WOW!!!

This version too was with the other vids/Rammstein time another bleed threw...
Marilyn Manson - Cry Little Sister

I feel sick... Really sick.   The flowers in the attic book you showed me the other day...  Given by my mother, shared with upside down me Em.... everything is spinning.    
'Tower Ren, it's meant to crash your reality, clear your space and come to us... Leon's Island we will see you there'
   I'm pinging between, homesick, shocked, disbelief, realisation and blugh it smells like catshit'  'Sort it - come here will make more sense and we can give you a hug and laugh at you'   lol great...

___lol copy this over and the track playing is why do we build castles in the sky? Hahah


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