Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Manifesting & Sharing Dreams

 Sleep early.. Heading bk to dark moon so dreamy & sleeping.

Wake before 11 felt really big n wobbly, told to come bk sleepland so do. 

 Next time I'm woken just after1 it's by an ambulance outside was a wired part of sleep cycle so was hazy then realise I'd been having/had 2 dreams with the same theme but slightly different sort of layers over each other.... Realise it's where I was up to writing the story too, I didn't know where it was to weave next to get to the bits I'd already dreamed/DL'd

The 2 dreams.

I'm in a dream world but somethings strange with it, the other dreamwalkers are puzzled too and we are trying to work out what's up with it.. lol it also had a tower/pylon with radiation and I was using an umbrella to get closer to it and check it out... it was mainly grey/grey concrete buildings grey sky we were all quite lucid but only one of the DC was manifesting properly the rest of us were lucid but not able to manipulate the environment at first the person who can manipulate it doesn't realise it's his dream and we are trying to puzzle out what's going on. We clock this dream was created as a hall of mirrors for one dreamer and we are playing roles for them....  

I write the first dream then the second was hazy so I drift back into the scenario snap back at 02:20 with recall... the second dream that was breathing in and out of the first we were co-creating the dream world for this dreamer,  deciding parameters and rules of the setting.... at one point I'm in a vehicle with male me and we are deciding on lessons and scenarios for the dreamer to experience.  

I realise that this is where my story is at! Ren had rocked up watching the others joint manifesting and was allowed to watch but not interfere :P Realise This was also Loci at the desk and this is the next part to linear into it. Oh... at the 13th Jan date... just checked the dreams from the following Jan too..... O.o Hahaha   '😏 Symbols/Games, keep playing!'

hen from the following Jan 

'Ren, we've been telling you this shit for years!'  😏😈  Wonder what time I woke 😆😆😆

Right well, that's my brain blown for the first time today already and it's not even 9.30... of for a run :P  

SO rest of the night....

Next up I wake at 313 - Dream dust super organised like the image above... Insect wings or honeycomb but also fractal looking at the window I see threw it like it's all around. 

I'd been having a cool dream about being in a space with other people an urban area on stilts, below was sand/swampland the people were split.... part of there being awake, part asleep, I was chatting to people in the dream waiting for more/all of their totality to wake up.   There were also lots of white fluffy animals in the dream I take one downstairs and it jumps into a pool for a swim, another white animal had been trimmed, there is a pile of white fur being blown by the wind into a circle onto the surface of a murky pool.  

Wake laughing from this... Guys???   'lol Ren, just keep watching and playing nice'   lol we are 😛 So I realise all evening I've been dream jumping from Leon's island & dream-sharing with Kaylo... so jump back there again.  

Inka speaks to me... 'gg bitch, you can come play however you want for a bit and I'll come too. Will get you if you fuck up 😈 Kaylo too'   lol ok, dreamshare sleep from there....

Jump to a beach with Inak, no sea or if there is its too far out it's pale blue/grey/green coastal colours and we were going to have a picnic but it's hella windy, fine sand blowing all over. 

We have jumped right in front of a massive tower 😀 The most bonkers thing I've seen this night.

It's like lots of buildings all pilled up on top of each other like miss matched kids building blocks... non of them have any cement and they are blowing about precariously like a Jenga tower in the fierce wind I stare up in astonishment seeing people at the top in what looks like a cafe? At first, they are oblivious to the fact they have nothing solid under them.  

They are so high up they are specks... After a while they have realised there is a storm and are starting to move down the tower back to the beach as the towers not certain to stay up. We will get crushed where we are standing if the tower does fall, we watch it blow about for a bit then go find a rock to shelter from the wind.  

Jumbled other astral convo going on with the dream imagery too...

A man who was deaf (my male mind) A woman had damaged his hearing (me) - We drilled holes in his ears in his dryad form and now he can hear. lol!! Inka is there in his smoky purple form as are our dryad bodies too the whole exchange is funny, I'm being offered hoop earrings.   

Wake laughing... Inka! Implant? MRI?.. taking out all my earings/metal  👀

'lol obviously Witch, told you'  💜💜😆 Hahahah     

Final dream... The other teeth dream, oh Em/ME swallowing a canine too? Poison fang? pffffff 'Symbols, now sleep again' 

Final dreams. 

I've arrived at a club/venue in London, want to dance... not my normal crowd at all and I'm clearly unwelcome there too.

Sit at a table waiting for the music to start but get asked to move on as they are VIP's. I'm in the corner but not one will move to let me past so I crawl under the table to get out and wander around. I have this horrible pink bag with me too it's leather and has my stuff in phone/bank cards... I'd dumped it on going in and then I realised I shouldn't have just ditched it and now it's nicked I need to cancel the cards. At this point, a friend I know pops up she has a phone and calls and cancels one card as I have the same bank as her...and then I'm wondering how to cancel the other as I don't want to leave the venue and male me in form of Inka/dom shows up they are the DJ for the night and has a phone I can use... but I'm being dyslexic and can't sort the numbers they tell me they will help... just go dance. :P

lol thanks, Inak...  'That's team bitch'  ;) Hahaha

There had also been a second tower in this dream but it was organic :P Amde from animals, trees, birds and fish.. felt like another time??   'non-linear'

This reminds me of a few other dreams... this one with Kaylo & Me....Ann is normaly DNA/gentic stuff in my dreams.

???? What... then this one with similar stuff too :P 

This one that was another dream with soundsystem and Venue that we got into early. 

'Trance & Acid Ren'  😈   lol   😶

Oh well at least I know where the fiction storeys going now..   I never thought writing a fiction story would be so confusing....  and yeh I remember, you warned me no such thing as fiction

😆😆😆   Why is same themes diffrent times of the month too??   

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