Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Symbols so many Symbols

Odd Night :)

Not done a dream re-entry into such an old dream 'Time Ren' Yeh Ok then a flashback of when I went back to child me and was as real as being there. Jump from house? Now or later? 'Come Here/ NOW' Hahah ok. So jumped to Room.

Woken confused by cat's having sex πŸ˜† Cleared the litter tray and lay down, confused.

I'd been formless but was odd and my blue centre felt like a big ball of wool 'Yep, Bitch Wisdome Inc' lol Inka you said that at 111! Hahah 
'Yes, now come back'.

I'd been in the room in the house first, spoke with Illeth, Kaylo and Leon who are still there. Apologised to Kaylo, he will sleep there while I journey too. Leon tells me 'You don't have to go Ren'.  I tell him I know, but I want to so leave there and jump bk to Leon & Malico.  


There was a portal/tunnel that was locked round made of perfect sandstone blocks... Oh the key??  'Yes'  The beginning?  'Time now Ren, End also'  Oh. I was splitting and fraying we had gone threw the stone round portal thing wired through symbols/shapes/colours we are formless and one awareness. Blobs of colours like paint splats and it felt like it was raining black socks or streaks of colour 

I need to learn the tarot better... 'You are Ren you're dreaming your way threw it over and over.. now shhhhh and come back here'   3+4 = 7 and infinity sign. My recall was wired so tried to split but not room to write and sleep on sofa and told to just go bk. 

Slept again next wake at 313.. πŸ‘€ all symbols strange vast like eating info. My blue centre felt wired 'Hard to bring threw to waking Ren, stay watch & feel' 
It's like being inside you... 
'No, we are inside you😏 come bk fast'  Oh lol ok. I know I'd also given permission for something again while there in the strange space.

Next time I wake I have lots of jumbled images/scenes/symbols all disjoined.  

A house and a tax return/rebate on all weddings.   

In a building with 2 lots of cats, one lot is wild the other domesticated we were leaving and the cats were fighting we needed to separate them before we went as the domesticated ones were at a disadvantage. Some of the wild ones had some serious wounds but they were fine. 

An old wooden greenhouse pain flaking it's a lean-to against a red brick wall... white paint flaking from the red bricks.  It's Harvest, the greenhouse is hung with bunches of drying herbs attached to the roof beams.  Nails in the brick walk with brown twine and colours beads hole what look little like hops but smaller the berries from some tree bundled and drying and in between them are colourful beads on the same string hanging in patterns.  

A surgical theatre assisting or a runner.  

Was also jumbled. 'keep dreaming Ren, Come πŸ’œ' bk to sleep again'.

Next, I was walking a path of broken piano keys winding threw countryside, cracked and some smashed or taken.

The headteacher of the infant school, very very angry yelling.  I'm hearing her.

Creations with other 'spectrums' the colours/vibrations different. Higher lower or some colours missing. 

Inka had a hand on the area where he attacked me when I was going to take responsability for the cow's?   What's with the ballons?   Is it Helio/Sun?  'Not telling yet'   Pffffff  Elements?  'lol Ren, both neither symbols... read them' 😈

Waiting on the return of people... Waiting for someone I know all their teeth have been broken they are hurt.

Ballons in the distance floating above a distant shore all colours.  

Kids playground there is a camper van and a climbing frame... It's a schools end and we have gone to meet/collect people.  

We are waiting for the classes to be over and watching waiting. The people with me are odd, I climb up to the top bit of the camper for a better view a guy is glaring at me he had brown eyes 2 different sizes one large one small. Others are waiting on top of the climbing frame, we are a bunch of weirdos! Under the climbing frame is a blue membrane this is where the returning people will pass from. 

Another version / Life of Ian he's been in a cave/squat. Making and drinking Cider this year the harvest of apples is missing or taken and there will be less cider.

With Fay & Dot, I'm taking them to someone they want piercings and haircuts :P I know the woman doing it and she has had surgery to her hand there is still a drain in. We telepathically share what was up with her hand.... she's had foreign bodies and her body had encapsulated them like it often doses but this had been all of them together in a blue capsule, there was 2 puppy teeth, some plant seeds a twig and other bits and bobs. I commented on how clever of her body/cells to migrate them together and encapsulate them as one. 

She cuts the kids hair and they get the piercings as they request.

I'd woken at 707.   'Jump to the room fast now Ren then sleep again asap' 

Jumped bk, Kaylo was very asleep and I had another astral form there too... was looking at myself it was transparent and lacked cohesion. Had to get up for kids/school work.  

'Your Splitting Ren, nap fast now need to put you bk together a bit till later' :P ' lol ok omw.  

Wow thanks tinitis stopped again .. 'lol, NP, Orange to balance the Blue' Haha. 

Wondering about Guy? 


'Bitch, you are as distant to him as the texts he holds to'


 'Can't reach anyone till they want it'.


 'If you want to ride the dawn get used to being the first bird in the sky'




 'I'm serious bitch and you know it'


 'Moon soon'  2 in Oct πŸ’œ !!!


 'Play in the upside-down world witch, we got you and you're in a good place... We will help your dark moon too😏'  Hahahah what you saying??  'You know, Ren' 


'You can only jump those onboard with your ride and right now bitch very few are' 

lol   'DW you'll dive bk for them, that's what Valks do'  lol Inka....  'Don't make me go Odin on you Ren'   

Pfffff πŸ’š Got ya... 

How do you do that?    

 'Come bk later.'

We're walking the long way home 🌎 'Sure are bitch, why hurry?'

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