Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Broken Transmitter.

Headed to bed around midnight. 

We can play, right? 'Yep, you going to play nice though?' lol probably 'Come then?'  Where? 'Hut or house your call'. Hut, heheh I don't even want to contemplate the house fall out atm.  'Good call, bring Kaylo too and be nice' ;)

Wake suddenly it's 111 - lol Inka!! 'Haha Ren you asked' Yeh that was vast, I can't fit that in my head or my time 😜  'You'll unpack it Ren, chill and come back to play'   I'd been in the station then we'ed jumped off-world but it was so out there the recall of being allover and all things. 

Back to sleep next wake at 505 and I'd had a long long dream.  

The setting and people are not familiar male me is someone I seriously did not recognise reminded me of an early 80's tech geek in a comic t-shirt.  

I'm mainly him, but I was aware I was me too floating/observing consulting.  

The layout seemed like my main dream area up from the newsagents but not in a way I've ever seen as all the shops were like old-style computer shops or game/model shops. We had a device a small transmitter about the size of an old school dictaphone thing we need to repair it and we need a specific part. Male me has taken it apart and we can see the workings.  

The shops were fascinating, totally unfamiliar in style with strange tools and parts in a massive array of materials and sizes. 

 I didn't recognise anyone in any of them either though everyone was welcoming and we were making friends going store to store people trying to help but the part we needed remained elusive.    

Woke bang on 505 and just stayed awake as the bread was ready to shape and couldn't find a phone to set an alarm.  

515 though I had a chapter for the book, no clue where it fits..... Oh, that was in the earlier in the night stuff too!! Heheh.  

Speaking of being nice Inak, I just found this old dream looking for something else!! Poor Chicken! Astral me is bonkers!!...   'You're a liability, but your fun too' 😈

Had a nap 11. Very tingly DL :P

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