Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Funny Shadows and Shady Contracts.

Late to sleep again. 'Play-time, come house' Hehe, ok.

Woke at 1.30 had been way to much stuff going on for an hr and a half.  'Time Ren?'   lol, yeh... still to much stuff I felt like I'd been gone for weeks! 

Wake next at 212 - This was seriously cool 😛 I'd been dreaming/ recalling unpleasant contracts?? Also 2 dreams one I'm in a ceramic bathtub in a bar, there isn't much water and it's cold. The Bar had humm less than 8 people in most of whom I knew in the dream and the bar it's self is ultra-modern, all white and glass with only a couple of bottles behind the bar.

I'm mainly ignored by others.  Alone in the bath but someone dose bring me a drink at one point. It's like a cross between an old fashioned cocktail and very botanical gin or something, in a squat glass. Bits of green and plant and twig in it too and very strong flavour.   

Another dream I'm on a shingle sand beach it's long. There is no sea/water to speak of I'm laying on the sand having a conversation about lockdown & movement restrictions and peoples various opinions on it... many want but for lots of different reasons and the same for people who don't.

Also the contract convo that I'd been having with Leon... I sort of knew how this was tied to other dreams/games.    

Then there was the room shadows... as I'd woken at 212.

It was mainly the contract convo I could recall but the room looked bonkers! 😂  I could make out all kinds of wired stuff in the shadows like kids cartoons where a tree shadow in a freaky hand and something else a cat... It was seriously cool!!!.. Kind of thing that would have terrified me as a kid but made me feel like I was still sleeping. '😏 Ren'

Mama cat also chasing a massive spider and crashing around the room. 

As I write up dreams I'm seeing patterns, the synchronicity from yesterday and the day before... where our unconscious mind is part of the collective unconscious.

Do I need to review contracts now?   
'Mmmmmm'  Ok, I could see lots of stuff, dreams been playing WoW 
'Ren, you've been dreaming this stuff all your life'
💜 lol suppose, wait up I'm coming bk.  

Jumped back but woke really soon after with cat chasing spider again! I'd jumped to Malico & Leon and was chatting contracts/agreements though the exact content of the conversation is vague as it was based more on emotion/telepathy.  'Come back Ren, split and play nicely!'   lol ok, hang on.... Hahaha all the SHIT dreams, emptying houses, and other peoples shit?

The dirty laundry that's not mine?  More laundryMore :P Oh Soul Ace...

'Clean up crew. When you know your one you can take on anyone's shit..... if you're stupid enough too' 😆😁 lol can you help transmute it?  

'Yes, come back again'.

Poor spider 😕  'At least you can sleep now!'  lol Nop, still moving but much slower and HUGE!

'Concentrate Ren & come bk'  Ok... colours, Ochrah? Oca?  'Good, bk plx'  Huge Holly tree again, berries.  'Try split Ren'   Sofas to narrow and squashy hang on.  Think I can was sick of the ping/pong feeling at this point 😛

Wow... heheh absolute trust!!! Love you muppets.   Was back and can feel 3rd eye-head buzzing..

Images, Oprah dream and her face all wrong, too young, Orange and carrots ??? The spider dream I'd lost and found need to refind & cave door dream.... shadows...... It's hard to split well on sofa! ... light and rhyme shadow weaving, clearer design.  Back now?
'Recall more then meditate'  ..........
Oh that Vid? Oh... 👀

That vid the other day and oooo... 'Yep, you go low Ren and fly high too. Roots'

Transmute now? 
 'Soon, jump here all now'   Suddenly body burning hot!    

Wake again 505. Was sorting/clearing/consolidating. Like the data filling dreams data reset  or when I recalled the thousands of probable lives/games with Inka.    

Went bk to sleep and woke again 606 - very chilled and calm.... Had been bk at the hut again. Kaylo sleeping Inka smoking was quiet and chilled a place to get perspective. I'd been dreaming there and visions too.
Severed personalities/court cases/executions.

Soul retrievals??? 
'Yep'  Oh ok.  To collect or integrate?   'Both 💜

Had been a dream too a massive rave/dance lots of females a strange air of animosity too but not enough to cause violence the music and dance were more important. Option to collect some shady soul shards. 👀 Now? 😈 'Allways Bitch'  haha Ok, I'm up for that 😏


The late night argument with Inka before I'd slept....the stupidity of arguing with your shadow archetype  😛

Why am on a drive to piss people off?   'Remember who you are Ren?' Is that a good thing?  

'Hahahah .....Well, we like you 😏'   lol Guys I'm a... 'Liability, Yeh... Fun too, messy unpredictable and good for team'


'You can't not be you... Ren, it came out when you were young, it comes out when you're drunk 😈 It's always there when your asleep... You play it in games, you see it dream it'   

Anti-social much? Arrested much?  'But ofc, you can be. You know the risks of the games you play... Time now though and endless possible/probable'.   

Pfffffff  'You only behave now for your kids'     IKR I don't even do that well 😏 'And why would you bitch, want them to be slaves too?'  No ones victims but our own....   'So lead by example dissident, you'll know when it's good to go burn shit up' 

😂 lol fuck off!  'We know you want too' Obviously but.... 


So many synchronistys.  'But of course, all symbols witch, your dreaming' 😆 and bonkers......

Ty for DL 💚 - Need to know what that track ID is?? 

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