I know the first dream was very busy - it's set underground. There were systems & changes.. schools lessons possibly something financial. Also flowers and plants.
Then a dream in the countryside I recognise the area from other dreams but it's not somewhere I know. It's English-like rolling countryside and farmland and small hamlets hardly any traffic, fewer people. There is a circular road root from a house, I've diverted traffic for animals and people to use the road. Also a lemon Drizzle cake :P (All conditioned - no talk)
Last dream also long but better recall.
First is a big school but there are infants there too. The school is for older people but some of them have had babies and it's making it hard for lessons to continue as their babies are upset and don't want to take classes. It was local people in here, my neighbour and people with kids I know.
Rob was there and a picture for Hairwax and he was trying to get people to try it. I leave there as a group of women are trying to find a dummy for an upset baby.
Next I'm watching a coach - This bit I'm just floating awareness observing different characters. There is an ancient site which I don't see. A coach of seekers with a female guide.
She is bringing them to the site on some sort of tour/show and is annoyed by a man who lives there.
The guy is a white guy in his 40's with brown hair and a moustache he's wearing an 80's tracksuit and looks from the 80's himself. He's smug, and he's set up a 'shed' with a drop-down counter.... selling stuff from it. Mainly pictures and mounting card for pictures too, also some gift cards. Oh his homebrew dark ale too, he stands with a pint of it at his shed stall at the time her trip leaves each day.
The woman hates him profiting from her trip. - but she is also profiting from the site in a different way (Projection/Mirror) ...
I watch from above as a group come back it's got an 80's vibe, the clothes & hair and stuff. I'm above watching the women flit with the guy asking if he gives samples of his ale... he doesn't even though he has glasses with small amounts in like samples.
Most of the females get back onto the coach except one. I know from my perspective this script plays out the same each trip. The woman is looking and the guy flirts back, taking one of his gift cards and a pen and writing on it.
The image is of a hand-drawn bunch of flowers with a pen he draws a small arrow and that points to the tallest purple flower in the bunch and writes this is you at (I knew it was 12mins to 7 as he said it
out loud too) He wrote the numbers though. 6:48 - It's 2 mins till the bus leaves and it beeps.
The man and the woman and bus vanish and I materialise and float down to sit on the counter to the shed where they had been moments earlier to contemplate what happened. As I'm sitting another white guy appears, he's also 80's looking with fine blond hair very pale.
He walks up and leans against the shed's drop-down counter and I say 'I know you, your Joe Dispenza' (This was odd as I only know that name as something I've seen on suggested youtube vids and had no clue if this was what he looked like... still don't as this guy I spoke to was much younger slimmer and fairer than the guy I've found on youtube )
He asked me who I was and I shrug and tell him a quick summary of stuff I've done this life but while I'm talking I was mainly wondering if he still believed in what he taught or just did it for money... (Also wired as I know he's published books but I've never looked into him)
He nods as finish and there is a call for him to go backstage to start and to our left is a backstage entrance, I watch him wondering if he does it all for money when Oprah arrives. She looks like she does now (Which is odd as she looks younger than I remember her looking 20 years ago!) She says hello, and heads backstage with a comment 'the stuff we do for money' rolling her eyes - as if in answer to my ponderings.
I then wonder about synchronicity in dreams 👀and how different a dream is from a life. I jump down from the counter and head along a road to where I know another coach is waiting, as I'm getting closer there is a huge deep puddle. A very elderly white couple arrive they are well into their 80's both with white hair and frail but walking with sticks and mentally sharp. The woman seems to have some hip/leg brace to help... she walks deliberately into the middle of the puddle and steps over a small bit onto the dry on the other side, and I wonder how I'd missed that (I'd been about to take a huge leap over a wide deep bit)
I was looking for This dream where I went into the back end of a dream... wondering if it fit with the backstage but came across this dream instead! I'm a bit freaked at how it fits with what's going on now and also ties into the dreams of holding babies...
Wow, some aspect of my dream-self is some megalomaniac nutter! This reminds me of the dreams were I was in what I thought of as an 'Angelic soul review' & Then Rehabilitation
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