Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Games, Baby's and Banking.

Dream starts on an Island with us laying on fine white sand.
I'm with a small group/team, we have met up to chat.
The team members are kids from my home village (on waking the thing that stands out is we all have our birth dates within in a 6week period) 

The sky is a warm purple dusk I'm laying between the legs of one of the guys and we are all chatting conversationally.     Around us snakes are coming in from the sea and laying eggs like turtles, Zak is wandering round too.  

We are discussing totally crashing the worlds financial markets.  This is with the specific aim of a 'reset'  The accumulation of wealth by a some has become too much.   
I'm up for helping but I want to know how it's to be stopped from happening over again as the few loaded people will still have reserves of sorts.    We also discuss killing of the most wealth too but decide this could back fire as they are weirdly  liked/worshipped  by many and killing them would be unpopular. 
We are all agreed that the currency and values must change  - Silica and shells are talked of as a currency but I'm not comfortable with using something so alive.  We are discussing people like they are domesticated cattle - which is odd given that it was a light hearted but serious chat and we fully intended to do what we were planning.
I'm also reluctant to crash stuff before we are sure we can create something better quickly so I'm not keen to 'burn it up' until we have an alternative direction as not to cause more suffering.

I wake it's around 2.30 am.    --  Vision of pink grapefruit and rose quarts.

Back to sleep, similar scenario.   I'm at my Aunty's house with my parents and something big has happened in the world.  White people are very unpopular and most are laying low.   I've been staying there but am ready to move on, I'm making beds up with clean sheets before I go.  (This reminds me of the phrase 'you made your bed')
I leave the house, the world is in chaos -  I watch a woman on a mobility scooter drive over a landmine. 

Dream changes, I'm in a hummmm a castle that is also like a hotel.   There is a room with a rave going on, my x Dom is the DJ in that room. 
I'm in a cafe area with a play zone with lots and lots of infants and some mothers.   I'm sitting on the floor among the children playing with them.   A young girl has a baby boy in a toy pram and the baby is smiling at me and reaching out it's arms. 
I look to his mum sitting on a bench of to the side with other mothers and she smiles her consent so I pick the child up.  
In my arms I notice how prominent his bones I realise he's older but has some developmental problems - he's very sweet.   White hair and blue eyes like his mother.   I stand to take him back to her but when I've weaved my way threw the other children she's gone.   The infant is content in my arms so I walk him round talking to him and showing him things, we look out onto a swimming area with kids playing and splashing, then threw the window into the rave.  
All the dancers at the rave are kids too a little older, they've been dancing for hrs and the set is nearly finished the boy in my arms spots his sister and waves. 
I tell him his Mama might be worried about him now and we should go find her.   I walk back threw a hummm - well it's like a cross between a fast-food place and a very posh restaurant.   It's also the end of the shift and the lights have come up bright...  in the glare of the lights, the tired staff and mess of crap food are obvious and the posh glammer totally gone.   I ask one of the staff if they could tell me the way back to the cafe lounge and he smiles and tells me 'Left, Left'  as I leave the flow of people seems to be heading right so I follow them I can see the waiter behind me watching - he laughs and waves saying 'your a sharp one you'  

I find my way back into the lounge cafe and look round for the infants mother - I see her putting on her daughters coat and pass the babe back to her wishing them all goodbye.  

Most people are leaving now and I walk to the window   the sky is filled with strange low wispy clouds and then giant snow flakes almost 1m across, they are beautiful!  White yet iridescent too shining all the colours of the spectrum.    The start to fall inside too...  thick like a white fluffy web burying everyone.    I consider struggling but instead surrender down into the white snow web, I start to meditate to conserve breath and energy as I'm buried in the white sticky web flakes.    The floor below me softens and the web is below me now too....  it parts slowly like clouds and I'm up in the high atmosphere of another world.  Falling threw clouds...   I free-fall then pull in my arms and legs to drop like a stone.. watching the ground below me making a fractal mandala pattern getting larger and larger... the pattern is filled with 'eye's' over and over repeating.
I pull up a 10ft or so over the ground and land softly.  I'm on a big game board...   there are plastic and cardboard buildings that come up to about my thigh, they have clues on them.   
I realise I'm the first person on this level so have an advantage so I head straight for the city bank.   It's building that opens like a tool kit, I unfold the top to find a plastic magnifying glass - a pull out flap has some clues.  The bottom half of the building is draws so I squat down to open one. 

I feel someone behind me I turn my face to find my x partner behind me I smile and wake up as we are about to kiss.

Hummm...  So thoughts... the baby them is similar to last nights dream where I was hugging another baby that I caught falling of a bed.  

It's also fits with these dreams too....  oddly all joined.  

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Shifting, and a Crumbling City.

First dream early on was about destabilising reality's and shifting people as they collapse.   1000's of people are all on the move.  I'm being kept in a small group with a few others we are not prisoners but we are shifting to much and are de-stabalising things more so it's best if we stay together.  

It reminded me of this dream.... 

22 July 16
Lots of dreams last night which seemed interesting but I could only remember tiny bits of each. First one I was in India or Nepal on a mission there were lots of temples that looked more Mayan than anything from that region.
In another I was in a big ravine or mountain pass where huge groups of people were being moved from island to island for there safety... but they were completely unaware that it was happening as everything was kept to appear the same.
Next dream I'm in a wired city, it's very old fashioned and falling apart.   There are holes in ceilings and walls... there is a 'lesson' going on in this city. 
It looks like there has been a war or earthquake or something that made most of the people leave.    There are a few of us there now.  I'm with Mel & Dom, and the 3 of us are lovers, it's a very sexual dream but  - we also seem to have a group of children of various ages following us, they all have deep purple t-shirts like they are in a kids sport team...  we are shepherding them in some way (though we seem to be more leading them astray)   A family come looking for one of the youngest children (he's only 3) So let them meet and talk to him so they can see that he is ok, but the kid is keen to stay with us... we are climbing in and out of the buildings.

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