Sunday, 28 May 2017

Dream Dust.

Simon & Tanya and something about a gift of prophecy tied to puberty - we are watching a girl come of age.   Viewing timelines.

With this dream I'm working with a female friend (I'm possibly being male me in the dream)
Selling dreams, it's at the wired community house in my main dreamscape..  I'd forgotten about it till this dream.  I'm with a friend we have small pouched wrapped in leaves they contain a powder/dream dust that makes people sleep and see there futures.

I'm also clearing out another dream house, there is a jar of pink roses and garden blooms and yellow plumbs.

Then I'm collecting other peoples children again and once again I'm selling dreams...  this time they are wrapped in small paper packets.

There are also 2 wired kind of organic boats/trains they have lots of legs like an insect perhaps millipede or centipede and we're travelling on them.. back and forth, 

-  Next I'm on the playing field of my first school I have a pet fox, he's a sand fox colour but big like a red fox.  He's not fully trained yet so I have him on a lead but I can float so he can run free and I float along behind him like a balloon.  I'm taking a cat in a basket to see a vet.  To get to the vet we leave the playing field via a 5bar gate waiting inside the feild are my aunt and uncle (who were possible parents for this life) 
The vet consults in a pool of water her table is floating and we are treading water for the consultation.   The cat is constipated, she is dispensing some medication...  Then I'm watching the consult from outside of a body..  the female taking the cat for the appointment is drowning and it's no longer me.  I didn't recognise the body - she's female and overweight...  she's lifted out of the water to be resuscitated.

Last dream I'm with Emma female friend again and we are in a snake pit ... again this has something to do with time and dreams. 

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