Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Strange Visitor

First dream...   Cannoning and then sledging, it was good fun :)   I was also in an invisible sandcastle out in the harbour.  It was on an island in the harbour but no one could see it, it was really nice inside.   It was owned by the 'Britons' 

Next is a big dream...

It's in a massive, hummm  perhaps a museum, or even a city?  It had a glass domed roof, and inside was lots and lots of stuff including live dinosaurs. There are lots of microscopes set up too and people are studying, chatting socialising.  

I'm with a group of people including 2 x partners and a girl friend.   I'm wanking off one of the guys as we sit and chat... the others in the group are a bit shocked but also amused.  (It seemed they were all attracted to me)   I laugh at the men and and I go to Rachel who tells them we are lovers now.     I stick with her for the rest of the dream, we seem to live in this massive domed place there are 1000's of people in it all busy with stuff. 

It's night and something's kicking of outside the glass...   at first it seems like a storm, then it's like shooting starts...  green falling from the sky.    We all gather to look up and I realise we are going to get a 'visit'   It's exciting.   As it's happening my crown chakra is going nuts...   tingling, and I remember I can fly.    I change my vibration to match the air and start whizzing and zooming round over the crowd in an annoying fashion. 
I know the guy coming, it's one of the insectoid (overseer) types.   He's kinda like a teacher, when he arrives people are rapt... he reminds me of the cat in the hat, amusing and witty.   He's large and floats in the air after materialising inside the dome.

I 'know' him but not just from this dream  ---  I'm still flying round being an arse :P   Zooming over the top of people really close and generally getting on there nerves as they try and listen.
At this point the insect person punches me in the stomach..... not physically but energetically.      I find this funny, me and the insectoid have a quick telepathic exchange not in words but 'knowings'   I know his type and physical violence is common and acceptable to them   He's basically telling me to stop being a dick and I'm amused as we both know I'm intentionally being a dick :P

After he leaves me and my female lover head into our room in this wired complex and strip nekid  start painting art onto the walls.

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