Monday, 22 May 2017

My Work & A Road.

More very low lucidity dreams with unsettling themes. 

I'm in an unfamiliar  house... there is a Lizard there It keeps darting at me then running of quickly.  I think I was trying to get it outside.   I leave the house and I'm with a group of females... we are walking I have a baby on my back.   We walk threw this town and to my left and right are the most wired dwellings both are distinct and like nothing I've ever seen before.... other worldly / fantasy.

Beautiful and strange.. the Lizard is there too.

Next dream,   I'd agreed to a partnership with a female I'd met.  She wanted to come in with my on my company,  I'd agreed. 

I'm called to a meeting and there are quite a few people round the table, I only know one female.   Another is showing our latest publications  (2 well presented books)  I'm surprised as I didn't know we did publications this female tells me we started last year.  I'm puzzled as I have no recall and don't know any of the other people.  There is a very religious person there too.    I ask about some of the stuff in the book, and they tell me it's new stock lines.

I go into what's like an office (but not) and see lots of new products - I'm surprised at how much the business has changed and how these 4 or 5 females all know each-other and are excluding me.  I ask the partner if we could have a meeting just the 2 of us...  I want to ask who these people are she's hummmm    patronising, and tells me to be there at 8.30 the next day.    

I wander of confused as to what to do, the business seems to be doing well but I'm not certain they have checked the suitability of all the items for sensitive baby's skin.  It also seems like they don't want me involved, when I try to call them the phone is off the hook and they are talking about changing the passwords.     
I decide I might lock them all out of the site at the domain level until I've spoken again with the partner the following day. 

Next I'm at my main dreamsape  (Where the mining was)  there is now a motorway instead of a small dead end road.   Massive lorry's and buses are zooming past and I can't seem to get across the road.  

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