Monday, 29 May 2017

Wired Japan World

Odd dream set in Japan in a post apocalyptic world... there is a very corrupt government and lots of warring factions that have sway over the government.  It's one of them dreams that goes on for years. 

Starts in an art class.   I'm at a high school we are all Japanese, we have drawn charcoal/pastel images of trees and they are being trimmed down and displayed.    They are beautiful, while we are displaying them a militant group comes in shooting people.....  the rest are us are beaten up dragged out to the streets and used as hostages. 

The government negotiates and we are freed.  I go on to wed one of the men from my class and we have a daughter together.   We live in a small single story house with a grass field/garden.    When my daughter is about 3 the same group attack our home.

They kill my kid then my hubby is killed disarming one and I get a wired gun.  There are 2 left and I shoot and kill one - the last is outside the window and I keep popping up and shooting him... but he's not dying or injured even though I'm hitting him. 

As he gets to the window I ask him compleatly conversationally  'How come your not dying?'   He smiles and de-materialises some skin to show me he's made of titanium - I remember he's like AI consciousness in a malleable android form.  I let him in and we have sex... he wants to take me astral to show me the bigger picture and we leave our dream body's and go into space  where were are a fluid consciousness that can form stuff of liquid metal we become lovers. 

--   lol,   so errrrr odd to say the least! :smile:

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