Saturday, 13 May 2017

More mooving Dreams.. Sliding Fast.

Wow what a night, I'd been working on balancing and clearing 3rd eye all day with yoga, purple foods and meditation (cause of blocked ears and sinuses)  which is helping also improved dream recall.

First dream,

100's of people on a hillside walk at night, the path are thin like threw maram grass on sand dunes, there are wild ponies with us too... we wind up in a garden with strange unknown fruit and veg.

There is something like a perfect rounded star, the outside is green inside the flesh is orange with tiny pink seeds it's sweet and juicy.


Big 2nd Dream

This ties into the moving dreams of late.....  I'm in a city we have been moving almost daily from property to property - they are all very similar.   We are viewing a new apartment, it's oddly in a shopping centre which is very modern at first then gets wired...  the apartment is more like a cottage inside, I look at the bedroom first, the bed is unmade from the last resident and she sheets are familiar from other apartments... at first I think we might have been in this one already while hopping around. 
As I go threw to the open plan lounge I realise it's not the same as it's full of tat, peoples old possessions...  old book series, board games..  lots of 70's fisher price toys old and yellowed out on the floor for playing... old clothes, paperwork, rugs stained furniture.     The kitchen has a still warm empty coffee mug with pink lipstick stain on it.   I instantly like the place, despite the clutter/mess and singes of occupation.

From the kitchen there is a door leading out to a garden the soil is bare and I like it I think about what we can grow, then my aunty and uncle appear in the dream they are our parents  (they were a choice of parents I had for this life)  They are planting blue and purple flowers and putting up fairy lights for us.   I'm gratefully I notice the flower pestles are faded, not as vivid as they should be. 

Back inside the owners have come to welcome us, they are wacky and very friendly  sort of American hill billy crossed with east London cockney.   The previous owner an elderly lady is there too they are really happy we have come.   They are arranging a welcome party for us tonight and will see us later.

Ian and the kids are with me too.   I sit down on the floor to look at the toys and notice under an old rattan rocking chair something gold glinting.  It's some very old jewellery looks like a wedding band and betrothal gift.  There is a red round gem, the gold is clearly very old.  I remember I must ask the old lady if they are hers. 

People start arriving to set up for the party, the couples daughter is there, she is organising it she reminds me of a 60's American diner waitress and she's hanging pink and white stripped curtains all-over.    Ian wants us to go and collect our stuff from the last apartment but I realise that they are going to a big effort to welcome us and we must stay for the party.  She's preparing lots of beautiful fruit cocktails all different colours and another person is preparing buns for hot dogs.   Everyone is smiling at me and so welcoming.

I realise they have bouncers too, and someone is bringing in decs for a DJ. The house is changing so it's massive and I realise the people here are pretty wealthy and connected I'm surprised when I come out of the kitchen to find 100's of people lots of people with dreadlocks.   Some Rasters, hippy's -  some white kids.  People are smoking and even the air is intoxicating, and still more people are arriving all to say hello, they are so welcoming and happy.  I make my way threw the ever increasing crowds to Ian and the kids near the door of the Mall..  there are doormen and kids outside on skateboards.  I tell Ian we need to stay and he should go take a look inside.  I'm going to collect the dog I left tied outside earlier.  As I get outside the mall changes from modern to a dirty 50's one yet there are still lots of people.  As I try to get back, every door I go threw stuff has changes, if I go back it's changed too.....   it's making me quite dizzy like I'm jumping threw different versions every time I move... I comment to an older woman in front of me how fast stuffs changing, she laughs and smiles and says 'Don't follow me dear or it's sure to change for the worse' and with a wave vanishes.

I turn another way and then stumble onto grass...   It's a large grass roundabout but the roads are empty sun is shining and waiting there is a old thin black man.   He has huge dreds visually more like an Indian sadhu than a rasta his accent is thick, he has only 2 or 3 small dark teeth remaing and his hard to understand.  He catches me as I'm really dizzy and lowers me to sitting on the grass with him.

He smiles and says ' What I liked about Rastafari is the deepest thing it could do you, You're linked'

--  I wake up/come back very awake.

after that I realised I was quite plugged in and asked.   'Show me what I need to know'

I was having visions...   first I was making a rodent home, filling it with soft bedding for a mouse..   I hear a voice saying 'if you build a nest they will come'  then I'm jolted awake remembering the 'field of dreams'   ME....   'If you build it he/they will come'   (I've a feeling this also ties to the ME via Toxo but need to see if what I think will now be a mind blowing synchronicity today is)

Next I'm a penguin :stuck_out_tongue:  Black and white and lol it feels very funny....  I'm huddled with other penguins our body's are warm together.   I spot an ice slid, into the ocean and flop onto my tummy to wizzz down and plunge into the ice water below!

After than I was playing with my dream dust... it was making patterns like when your on acid... but I could control it making it into a grid of lines and forming other shaped, folding and changing them to make stars/diamond cubes all in 3d space.


In a gym/hospital with my brother/Josh it's kind of a jumble of the 2 he's got some bone illness and some joints are the wrong way.  I'm surprised I'd not noticed... I seem to be in my 20s and I know the nurse she's a midwife here...    She's worried about giving the diagnosis to our parents but I send her energy to let her know it's ok.  I'll be with her too.   We are in a waiting room and a small pig comes up to me, it's brown and pink and it wants a cuddle.    I sit cuddling the pig waiting for a meeting.
I look at a lady who is looking at me and say, sorry is this pig yours?  she comments, 'No it seems to be yours' 

Finally my Aunty B, Dad and Mum arrive... for some reason the nurse wants to give them the news on a tiny bit of paper... but non of them can read it.   They are arsing around...   my brother leaves so we can 'speak'  the nurse feels it's a bad prognosis, but I'm already sure I can heal and help him.   The nurse is getting more and more upset as my brother/josh is so sweet...   

Last dream, a new class is beginning at an old uni.  It's somewhere I've been before I enrollee, the halls are a story block of grass layers that we fly too.    They are happy for me to have a space in the class and a spot to sleep.    We go out on a field trip I'm sorting threw recycling with a guy I went to school with.  We are collecting old bottles scalpel blades and handles. 

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