Sunday, 21 May 2017

Stuck on a Bus..

First a cut out of flowers or lace...  humm it was white delicate.

Then a jackpot kind of bandit game.. the things on the wheels were lemons, pots of honey candle. 

First dream was about a book/film with a lawyer.  Starts with a message to do something.  There is a bright pink and turquoise room a kitchen I think.

I go down a big elevator into law offices but I don't know my way round there are 100's of people at desks.  Next I remember being outside my 2 boys have jumbled into on and he's stuffed his mouth full of stuff.   He's reaching when I look into his mouth I remove toys, rubbers 2 bowls! I was thinking why is he using his mouth as a bag.

Long dream..

I'm in a city, it's tied to the moving into a new house dream.. the city is London again and I'm trying to get to the new house.  I'm on a bus with Zak and then my Dad gets on too, he's coming to visit.  
My Dad needs to pee so he gets of the bus and the bus leaves.   'The driver is a bit creepy, he grins at me and says 'sorry love' got to keep moving - he also gives me his card for bus depo and tells me to look him up if I want to. 

I realise my Dad doesn't know his way round so decide to get of at the next stop and walk back to meet him.   We pull into a bus station and I have Zak a pushchair and some shopping.  I lift the pushchair of first then Zak and I go back to get the veg/milk to put in the buggy basket.    As I get to the door the driver shuts and locks it and starts moving out of the depo.    I yell at him that my toddler is outside and he needs to let me out, he laughs.....   I see Zak's little face alone at the bus station but the driver won't stop.  
I grab his hand and bite down hard onto his finger  I can feel it crunching and my teeth sinking into it's flesh but he's completely un-phased and just keeps driving with me gnawing at his hand!   I try to recall where we are heading so I can go back for Zak but it's unfamiliar... like transport hub, there are many stations and bus depos, tracks and roads.   

Eventually the bus stops and I can get out but I'm confused and disorientated.   I have no phone or money as that's with Zak.    I stop a group of women and ask to use there phone to call the police but non of the phones work.  (One of the women hand me some wired flyer about Christianity and the demons) I leave the women... Next I try in a wired hummm it's like a lorry driver cafe, again the phones don't work so I try to walk.   

I'm making my way over train / tram tracks and crossings the tracks are electrified and I feel the current in them as I cross them.   I go into a bus depo and ask them if they have seen a toddler alone or had one given in but they just laugh.   

Wake up feeling yucky

Go back to sleep,

Same dream but a little different..  I've found Zak again, I need to go up North for some reason though so am going to get a night bus  (people on it are weirdly unfriendly) 
I'm changing bus somewhere when Ian arrives to give me the house keys for the new house.  I'm confused as he was ment to leave it open so my Dad could get in when he got there.  
I leave Zak with him, and go to the house to unlock it.

It's a massive Georgian terrace made of large sandstone blocks.  I go in and unlock the back door and am writing a note to give to a neighbour 

I then notice that it's a guest house...  a big one I run it, there are lots of staff there and a bar area that's busy.  There is a beer garden outside with people eating meals and the place is very busy.    I notice my Dad arrive with my Bro, and some old school friends I greet them all and give them room keys.  Then I leave again I head underground into a wired green land rover this time. 

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