Tuesday, 9 June 2020

More Snakes and Sides

Starts off in the living room of main dream house,  It's different and weirdly full of stuff. 

I'm moving out some of the stuff and slotting and packing it neatly into the area under the stairs to make more room.  In the dream, I'm aware I'm taking a plane/fly with Emma to Asia - we are planning stop-offs around the world with people we are to meet.

I leave the dream house to start the journey.  

Outside it's black dark and stormy a strong wind is blowing and the sky is filled with angels, valkyries, harpies and large sea birds.... all floating buffeted by the wind. 

The buildings over the wall are taller than normal too and each has a coloured kite paper 5 pointed stars stuck to it.  I lay on my back for a while watching and contemplating.

Each house a different colour of the rainbow... the stars are holding in the strong wind but flapping about - I was wondering if the wind would rip them free.

I notice as I'm leaving the dream area the place where the childrens play park was is now a drive-thru MacDonalds - I think how sad the place will look in winter and wonder if there is something we can do before then to make it less bleak...... I wonder about gingerbread house stickers.

Next place I recall is middle east stop off an invasion.. . Then Asia I'm watching Jack and Katy talking and arguing... they are bitter and hurt about something.  It's very dark still, and sandy and dusty.  I have a red Henry vacuum - I'm sucking up dust around the argument.

Still dark and I'm talking with someone about a large parasitic snake - it buries inside and I ask if we were born with it (Like puppies with worms) and we are not sure.

Then the snake is in my hands, it's small but unnaturally strong and it's small size makes it's head hard to hold.  It bites me once and I move my hands slightly.

I'm in a dark sandy space lit by flame torches. I'm male and my skin is a warm dark shade - had a Mayan feel.  There is chanting and stamping a sensation of people from all over the world, the snake I'm still holding it bigger now - it was a meeting of tribes I'm encouraged to lift the snake above my head and as I do It slithers down and bites my side..   again the same place! That left kidney area.  This wakes me up. 

Next dreams are wired, I'm above looking down and also going into the dreamscapes.  Again I'm male, not white but not sure what.  I'm in a tattered light military uniform possibly lost/defected.   I'm looking down on the ruins of ancient rock-cut dwellings in a sandy barren desert-like space.   The ruins are being used by tribes or gangs.  Weapons or drugs have been hidden in one as a pickup place It's not safe to move about int he open there are snipers. 

I'm looking at myself from above but I can also go down into the person... insects, biting ones like big mozzies are swarming and irritating, it's hot. 


Next up is a similar area, but perhaps the 70's - People with cruel agendas hiding behind a religious facade.   - Wired vib, I'm uncovering a truth few want to hear.  Abuse of children, men who were in there 20's and 30's in the 70's.

A language/code holes and spaces.   It's been changed, made faster and more effective by removing some spaces that were not needed.

A goodbye... hugging people leaving/long goodbye like a school ending.  

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