Pre 1am a really strange and busy dream back in main dream area but above ground again.
In main dream house but the dividing wall has gone upstairs with the neighbour and the 2 guys who lived there when I was a teenager are upstairs with me and we are discussing a portal that has opened with a really fast spin it's almost like a washing machine. We are also discussing shifting, genetic manipulation, implants and robots.
I'm trying to reassure people but also asking them to help.... and am still doing stuff alone while they decide. There were other me's too some in some out of the portal.
I awoke still feeling 'spinny' I had a wired feeling/sensation on my side low down. - Oh, It's the same place as this DC grabbed me back in 2016... How wired that that page mentions the cables, that was another one of the recurrent visions I had as a child. Hummmmmmm.....
Anyhooo I'm fast to go back to sleep and I was in the hippygoogly stage when I heard a loud audible 'click' from Ian's side of the bed, also felt low down close to the left kidney area.
The second dream I'm going to camp, I look round the first field the pitches are wide and each has a space to make a fire and a water stand that marks them as pitches. The grass is ankle hight and yin/yang ferns are growing, they are sort of half white/black. I look round but the pitches won't get any sunlight as they are on the wrong side of a large hill so I keep walking.
Next I seem to be in a long corridor people are still pitching tents but inside. I see families setting up and I think how strange it is to camp inside. It has the feel of a hotel/pub. When I look outside all the pitches have been filled now and the same at a door at the front. I decide I'll sleep on the floor inside if it gets damp but spend my time outdoors.
At this point male me is with me, it's Jack. We are going to play a game, it's a new one and combat/puzzle-based. We are in a room filled with posters and glass cases. The cases are displaying 'packages' these are like drops/gear you get to start off with (They are like a small plastic box you get in the VR Game when you enter and then they expand with you into a usable kit)
We are looking around at the cases each case has a theme/colour scheme and the poster behind it echoes this. The colours and items are beautiful. Some schemes I'm considering are teal and cream, another that is purple, pink, blue. The items are also amazing, intricate crystals, beautiful crystal inlaid silver carved weapons. Woven and beaded bracers and cuffs. The detail and care were amazing.
Next dream, or follow on still with male me and we are in a vast art design complex. We are looking at incredible robotics designs and skins. I'm hugging male me and crying, we are parting/saying goodbye again.
Next thing I'm robotic myself like an android, I'm soft fluid metal - Head but no face curved form more feminine than male.
I'm wrapping a body in coloured silks, First red closest to the skin, the silk is thin and bandaged shaped. I'm wrapping all over including the face - it felt almost like mummification, but the body was still alive and breathing, the silk is fine. After the red layer orange, then yellow... I have a pile of all the colours and need to cover the body completely in each colour in turn.
The last dream...(I think this was in the same complex)
I'm with a female (In the dream I know her well and we have a close and loving relationship almost like sisters) Again I'm wrapping her, this time though it's black silk squares.
I'm wrapping her tightly arms to the side and with slight pressure, she's going to meditate and the pressure on the skin is important for what we are doing its cocoon-like. I wrap her mouth but her eyes aren't covered - they are very expressive, dark brown and I can see her love and amusement when I hold up a mirror for her to examine herself. Once I've covered her top I lower her carefully onto a low fabric-covered camp style bed frame bed to wrap her feet and legs. I'm to stay and watch over her while she meditates and then we will change places. I settle beside her and can see/sense hummm waves of zombies! They pass by just out of our flicker rate (She may have been dreaming them) They are not aware of her body or mine.

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