Monday, 1 June 2020

Art and Beds


Was like my college dorm room at first but I was in a uniform sort of like police.  Also a pond.

1st June

Before 2pm

A long and detailed dream that was hard to 'pin' down.  It was astral conversations, a plan, 'time' unfolding.  Like a film/  watching.    Can go back and forth in it.

The second dream is that wired sort of Astral Alnwick, (Same place as a few dreams from last month.
This one and the pizza/Bank dream)  Few others too.   Anyhoo it's set in the same area as the pizza dream and mainly outside on the sandstone flags.  Zak is with me, others I recognise too it's has a wired 'astrally' type vibe with the purple sky.   It's not dreamlike.  Marcus was there and another artist, there was a mix of oil and other mixed media canvases lined up outside one of the buildings with people admiring them.

There are also 2 sections of around 6 hospital beds ICU's with staff.  Nurses are trying to save dying people suffering from various things.   They are sort of set just slightly lower than the pavement with railings around them and they are almost like a 'performance'   The nurses tired and stressed and the patients passing or bearly clinging to life.   Zak is with me, but he's younger 3 meby and he goes up to one of the sick people on a bed with a cup of water and picks up the unconscious mans head and pours a little into his mouth...     Zak cries and the male nurse cries too.   It was about empathy. 

Also Sa Ra.  (Not English)

- Another dream.

I've followed a pack of dogs into a castle on a hill, our dog is with them and I call him and he comes back.

There is a city below, crowded small homes a friend is there Holly' and she's moving but the town's roads have no vehicles - she has arranged for a family to come with a cart they have to pile things onto.  It might have been Asia someplace/time ...The walls in her home were thin and almost transparent

The car and owners arrive.   The family ware old fashioned colourful and beautifully embroidered clothes a warm light brown skin tone they are friendly and I help them fill the cart and then we walk together on the sandy paths with my friend's belongings... felt like going from an old Asia to an old Malta.  The place we were headed to was small square buildings carved from cliffs or made from sandstone.

At one point I find myself in a trash shoot... there are all kinds of thrown away creative stuff.   There is the head of an old statue.   Beelzebub Was what it was... it was a little like a massive wired Punch and Judy doll. Just a head with no body.

Last dream was of a school/uni with Em.  It was mainly residential areas, felt like Bristol for some reason.   Em had a thing for the chemistry teacher, but he was a bit wired and creepy.  I didn't say anything though and he wanted me to stay in a cupboard while he came onto her :P  I agreed, there were more people in the cupboard too and we sat and chatted. 

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