Wednesday, 10 June 2020

More Robots & AI

The first dream is a wired AI robot dream. 

I'm in a house with a small group of people a family perhaps or friends - we knew each other they are all huddled together sleeping.   The house is of a style I don't recognise in a med size town.  It's clean, no traffic pavements and countryside beyond the town.

In the house, there is a floating robot/observer grey diamond shape with small lights makes a slight noise like cooling fans in a PC.  

It's unsettling the people who live there as it observes all the time.  It broadcasts too and is linked to an AI network.   The people in the house are 'hiding' but they can't really hide as they are observed all the time. 

Some movement is permitted and so I go out to look around.   Something unpleasant is happening There are huge robots like giraffes and some like zebras smaller.   (This had a Horizon Zero dawn feel but the robots looked appealing) but the giraffe robot was Zapping and vaporising humans with an electric beam.  The Zebras seemed to be 'cleaning and maintaining the flowerbeds.  

I was trying to work out the program.  I was wondering if the humans were seen as out of balance and therefore being removed.   It was strange as the town and area it's self seemed so neat peaceful and orderly.  Clean streets well maintained gardens and sunny blue skies.... with this pervading fear of the humans who were being eradicated. 

It was like this dream too.. while the narrative was similar the contrast in setting was very pronounced.

The last dream I should have written earlier as it's not so clean now.  I know it was a sort of party/rave/dance/celebration.  Had a festival feel but was in the top story of a wired tower.  Like a multi-story car-park or something. 

At the base of the tower was a forge or foundry, liquid fire and stuff being melted down. 

The dancing is over and the rig is being packed up.  I've been playing with a cardboard spaceship and I've broken it - I take it over to were the decks were.  A woman is there, they is a paper with a contacts list where we can write our details to be informed about the next party, and also some books, leaflets and art. 

I tell her I want to pay for the rocket, and she tells me there is no need but I broke it and I want to so she accepts the money. 

Next, I'm in the sea, I'm swimming beside a gull and there is an apple core bobbing on the waves.  The gull gets it stuck in its beak, so I open its mouth to flick it out.   As I do so I realise I was still holding my wallet from paying for the rocket.  I see my cards float out and think, oh no... a seal is in the water too and then the woman from the other dream too.  She collects the cards and hands them back to me!?!

I'm a bit annoyed I wasn't lucid enough to ignore the cards :P 

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