Friday, 26 June 2020

Same Dream Space

Dreams are vague, guess as it's to hot to sleep!

26th June

It's set in Soho, or Camden London.  It was this setting..  Oh wired as this dream had past partners in too, I knew in the dream I was in the same dream.

Lots of old partners some of them arguing and fighting or just looking for a fight about something - I didn't want to fight.

I'd forgotten something but I couldn't recall what and when I went back to where I'd left it I was surprised to see it was Henry my yellow vacuum cleaner. 

(Hum, he was also in another dream of arguing earlier in the month.      and another dream in May.

Anyway the dream it's self is hazy other than I know the setting, and the other dreams it was linked too.   I'm with a group there are some of the Guys I used to live with in London, Rob & James are there (James was in the dreams from April/May time)  x partners Marcus, in particular, is feisty and flighty looking for arguments and then there is also a large family 3 generations, the older are Jamaican but the younger British.  It's like a large room we are in and there is tension but it's ok.  I'm holding a young infant, she's around 2.   Beautiful round dark eyes wavy dark hair she's on my lap smiling and watching what's going on and I'm chatting to her Mama.    I'm sure one of the older women in the family was  also there from the end of the previous setting (where we had missed a train... I was trying to fly and they thought I was nuts)

It's also all somehow linked to this and the time/layers and trains. 

Funny how these often seem to happen when the Schumann Ress is very high.

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