Sunday, 15 March 2020

Other DC's don't belive I'm dreaming.

A long dream that I woke got up to pee then went back into.

Set in the UK I was moving between North & London with a Uni/learning feel.

Past lovers in it and lots of lovers, I had many at once and they didn't much like it.   I'd made a journey in a car from North to South with a woman, the service stations we stopped in at were strange.

Once in London, I'm walking along a wide street.  It's not really like London, it was more open... the street we are on is high up and the buildings all single story.   There is an amazing view over the city with a low moon in the sky it was dusk and the sky is pink/blue.  I'm with a couple of other women at the end of the street is a train track we are heading too... it's small single gauge and we have missed the train, we are going to walk up the side of the track, but small fast vehicles are moving along the grass side that I'm zooming/jumping. 
We go back to the platform and I say to the other women, wait a moment.  I might be dreaming, if I am I can 'wake' fly and carry you all.    They look at me like I'm NUTS! as I count my fingers, sure enough, I have 7 on one hand and shout yep, I'm dreaming.   Give me a mo to fly, but they are all telling me not to be stupid, and trying to count my fingers too.   I hold my hand up and count out 7 on one hand then 9 on the other....  (Hands are morphing and wired)  They sill aren't convinced so I start doing long jumps and hovering getting ready to fly, but them all staring at me is making it more difficult. 

I'm still getting more lucid and taking off when a 'parade' arrives, the sun has mainly set now and the moon is up the parade is wired lead by a postman, 100's of people are following him in carnival type of gear. 

Kitten woke me up here. 

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