Monday, 23 March 2020

Deconstructing Dream Structure.

22nd wow that feels like weeks ago... not just one day.  Anyway, 22nd was blurry (wine-related blurry)

Something about a lense  & Communications, checking in with 'off-world' 

The dream I had was a school/residential dream.   I go visit Roz & Kelly in a dorm/room space.   The room I used to have is occupied now and I'd finished the class.  I wasn't really sure where to go and had a small baby with me.  I chatted with them for a while, I was offered a room to rent in the building but it was expensive so I left again on a subway. 


Get the 'Spiritual Quarenteen' message again There are many of us we are jumping to fast and need to wait for stuff to catch up before we can go again. 

Reminded me of other dreams where me and a few others have been separated from the larger group of people as we jump to fast and destabilise stuff. 

Next is an odd dream where I'm going to collect something, I go with Ian I have a black cat with me again.  The house we collect the item from has a woman with green and purple hair, she's much younger than her husband and tells me she will walk me to the 'shop'

The cat follows me and we leave into a strange town with wide streets and no traffic, collections and drop-offs are happening in a market square in a round brick building one way in and go in a ring to come out.   I lose the woman and meet her husband, he's very very tall with the same weirdly long fingers that this woman had the on the 18th.  He is having an auction of old cabinets and furniture painted many colours and has dragged them on to the street. 
I go into a bathroom and look in a mirror but I'm looking at my arm which is like a bird of paradise plant.  Purple/Green/Orange feathered.. like a puppet.

Next is a more lucid dream where I'm in a different Haslemere, there is a post office in the accountancy building and an old fashioned newsagents were the kid's hairdressers an elderly lady is buying milk and some sweets in a paper bag.  I stand behind her and go into the shop and down some stairs into a basement.  Some of the locals are in various places in this dream space.
I'm trying to deconstruct the dreamscape while inside it, there is a fractal honeycomb pattern and also softer curving pattern deeper below this one, they aren't meshing quite right.   I'm very lucid and when I look down and my hands there are waving and transparent with many fingers. 

I keep trying to see in between the various layers to see what's not meshing right and I notice a male observing me, he askes 'Have you found the Ankh yet'  I smile and shake my head.   

I can see a flower of life pattern and then sacred geometry mesh too... line and curve. 

Next, I'm in the air over a massive conifer forset...  we are the forest, not the trees - I'm discussing 'prison' with someone and my stance is rehabilitation over incarceration.   

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