Friday, 19 June 2020

Arcade Tower

The first dream is in Craster again.  

Feels the same persistent dream realm as I'm in the same area again and while in the dream recall lots of dreams there and how it's playing out.

These 2 stand out as recent. 

The dream was on the roads and land around the village again, where I was looking for a Sun & Father.  It was a game too, like a relay/tag game.   Passing on, and growing.  My cousins are there too (Dad's side) a story is unfolding.   -- I know this is tied to the Alnwick dreams too, I feel this is male ancestors timeline stuff. 

I chat to a Male, he's upset it's to do with Genetic manipulation and it made things more turbulent that he'd anticipated.  He was feeling regret at interference.    'Inter - Fear'  reminds me of the rodents in a cot, where I was showen I'd 'Inter-feared' trying to help but made things worse.    Anyhooo...  As I'm chatting to this guy we have dragons with us, there are 4 or 5 of them but they are like jelly. 

Almost like sweets.. not solid, gloopy and sticky.   Made me think of the stasis gloop but they looked like a giant desert, a tray of dragons moulded jellies with sticky sauce.  😜

Next dream was a school/uni set outdoor and I wasn't a pupil/student this time... nor staff.   A girl at the school has fallen from a tree and I take her to find a staff member.  It's Kim.. she's her lovely motherly nurturing self and she takes the girl to comfort. 

Last dream was hazy but I know it' was one of them visually boggling dreams.  I'm journeying on 'trains' very modern and I'm weaving up and down the country connecting people and taking people to meet others. 

I've 2 young males I'm taking up North.  We go to Ashington and the centre of the town is amazing!   It's like Times Square on acid.  

There is a giant 'tower' built from old arcade games and fairground rides!

It's vast! Towering up above everything else a massive flashing glowing neon bleeping and buzzing monstrosity!

It dominated the skyline and was awesome to look up at.    (This is a second 'tower' dream in a few days, must be the tower archetype also second dream of arcade/amusements)

There is also a reference to the first dream again, cousins and grandparents on my Dad's side... we were keeping a death vigil for my Gran & Grandad.   (both dead anyway)  It was important and other cousins were taking turns.. 

It fitted with this dream too.. saying Goodbye. 

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