Sunday, 15 December 2019

Freaky Robots and Lots of Crap.

13th Dec.

Hazy but was in London in Fabric Club,  Then other Warehouse parties - good fun :) 

14th Dec.

Long dream, again in a city.  I think it was following on from the night before in terms of location.  I'm mainly in a dockland area with big multi-story empty buildings, warehouses and garages.  There are huge robots bit like Horizon Zero Dawn/war of the worlds.    Massive long leg stalker things. 
There are a few humans and we are being hunted, we can't work out how they are tracking us, possibly metal.  We try to avoid being out in the open as the robots are constantly scanning for us. 

They make wired whining drone noises.   It's pretty freaky -  (reminded me of other robot dreams which often have a sinister vibe)  There was some kind of government/conspiracy/military thing going on.  

Me and 3 other people have been located and a big scanning robot is broadcasting our location, we run into the harbour thinking they won't follow us into the water but as we enter the sea the water below starts churning as something big is coming to the surface below us.     I'd known I was dreaming (I normally do)  This made me wake myself up :P   I was scared, but also kind of annoyed I'd not stayed longer to see what would happen.  


Second dream, I'm with family & dog in wired countryside.  I see the ruins of an old building I want to explore, there is a tacky theme park in the way that I struggle to get threw.  A woman there gives me directions.   I have to go up a grassy hill and then down again... there are barb wire fences (Kef is stuck)  Bit like this dream the other night.  When I get to the ruins, it's different to how it looked earlier in the dream.   It's more modern with mosaic flooring and fire pits and is a bit tacky.  

15th Dec

First dream I'm watching martial arts red belts with yellow writing on them.   Lots of jumbled stuff, some murdered twins, and a strange old fashioned muddy farm with a small farmyard and old red tractor.


Long dream, I'm in my vet nurse greens and someone hands me a sick black greyhound/whippet type puppy to take to the kennel rooms.   It's small and it rests it's head on my shoulder as I carry it.  
The vets is wired, there is a laundry shute with a slide that we can use to get into the kennel room, but someones thrown some old bedding in and it's covered in big dog shits.  We take the stairs, the kennel room is huge and in a basement.  It stinks the whole floor is covered in newspaper and pee and poop is spilling from Kennels and cages onto the floor. 
I'm confused wondering why it's such a mess and it's unpleasant for the animals and staff so I'm intending to clean up. 
I find an empty cage for the dog,  clean out the old mess, put new bedding in and the heater on.   In the next-door cage is a dead cat that's been partly dissected, and I take the cats ear to offer to the dog to eat.... then decide meby someone left the ear there for a reason and I'd better find the pup something else!

I leave the dog and get some gloves, apron and a bag and start clearing the shit.  I soon realise there are lots of cages and animals and hardly any staff.  I meet Judy there who was head nurse at the PDSA years ago - she's trying to clear up too, I tell her I'll pick up crap. 

Another head nurse I know is there too, also cleaning.  I find my way into an office at one bit, ahead vet is sitting at a table full of paperwork and another nurse is doing lab work in the corner. 

I introduce myself, he seems nice and we chat about bacteria and biofilm.  I leave again and go back out picking up more crap.  The kennel room seems huge and I go to the front which seems more like a pet store... people are dressed in animal costumes meeting customers.  

I try to leave but when I go out the door, I'm just in a broom cupboard.... then teleported outside onto some grass.    Woke up looking back at the door. 

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Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...