Thursday, 26 December 2019

Black & White swirly Puss & Multi Dimensional Drawing.

23rd Dec

Robot dream, animated by 2 forces like positive & negative - was more subtle than electric.   They all had a symbol/logo like a purple infinity sign.   Also main dream area on a bus, jack asleep on top of me. 

24th Dec

2 green vases - I'm taking a plane to Japan to pick them up, the fact they will be for sale is front-page news.
Dream with next-door neighbours..  I have a spot on my hand centre of the palm and when I squeeze it lots of thick puss comes out, first white then black, then a mix of both. 


A school/uni dream students are older 16+ and not very focused on the lessons.  I've been picked up by the head as I have a bottle of spirits and we are heading to the supervised detention area, we walk threw the carpark where some boys are fighting and setting cars on fire and they are collected too.

We are taken into a supervised area, there are glass partitions so we are observed, though we are indifferent about being watched.  In the area, we are to stay there is a large table with 5 or 6 chairs round and some cushions on the floor were kids are lounging. 

I know a few of the people in there so I greet them then sit down on the floor with Benny - I'm very lucid at this point, and I touch his leg and tell him I'm sorry he'd killed himself and ask how he's doing.  He smiles, he's ok but still working threw stuff. 
We talk about when we knew each other (I'm rendering him young as he was when we were friends)  We talk about what might have been and we dip into an alternative life where we did become a couple for a while.    (We were on a bus together)  Things were chaotic in this other life too and we can see similar patterns and karma playing out but we enjoy the physical aspect of our friendship that we didn't in this life. 
We head back to the reality where we are in detention and go sit up at the table, some of the others join us and I grab the pile of scrap paper.  I'm drawing in many dimensions - a fractal flower of life where our concept of 'self' is made up of our interaction with 'other' but we are the fabric that the experience is made from.  I draw space/time/memory .. memory moving threw 'space' creating time tunnels like spiralised onions and how closely some of them are woven together.  We teach/learn - learn/teach together in our detention space.  I talk about our planets memory moving threw space and how this creates what we think of as astrology (looks like space DNA) - the teachers are watching threw the glass too.


Second dream I'm in the dream version of a house I was in the other night this house again, it's still raining and leaking there.  Now it feels like sheilas house, but the kitchen isn't there, it's not been built yet and the dining room has an old iron cooking stove in the hearth.  (Not sure if this house ever was like this)  The water is rising inside and I've had to unplug things downstairs - I'm giving away the food from the fridge and freezer. 

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