Saturday, 7 December 2019

Full Harvest, Snake and a Rainbow Staff.

5th Dec

- First dream, I'm floating disembodied chatting with a friend and a couple of aliens about earth world stuff. Then outside alone making food by a pond - can teleport around.

The friend Ant who I was chatting with appears to try the food.

- A shed with some dogs trapped inside, we are breaking into the sheds to let the dogs out.  Then a big house party with people sleeping around the floors.

- Last dream is long, it's a big open college/school - It's filled with homeless, mentally ill people, kids who have come from care.   I was hugging some of the scared people. 

There is a big outdoor cafe area with long benches filled with hungry people eating.  I'm calming down a teacher who is angry at a boy for not reading, but the book he has dirty pages and he's got some OCD and the dirt is freaking him out too much to read. 

7th Dec

At the start of the dream I'm in a village with a lightning electrical storm, we have a board game (trivial pursuit) - I need to get some new questions as we know the answers now and they are outdated.

I walk from the village to a house/farm smallholding.   It's late autumn and the harvest has been big, but so much is ungathered..   fruit is still hanging from huge trees with brown leaves falling. 

The ground is covered with oak leaves, nuts and fallen rotting fruit.  The female owner I know..  she lets me into her chicken/duck coup and shows me the ladder to travel down.

The coup is huge, made from woven willow so big that full-size trees are inside too.  There is a huge next filled with big blue eggs.   I don't see any birds and wonder why the eggs are just left there.

The way out is up a ladder in a tree then a drop-down an old stone wall into ungrazed pasture land.  I find I'm in a long thin fence tunnel.  
Large square metal is stretched between long log fence posts.  I can see sheep and older lambs grazing to the sides and I follow the fenced of path.  

Kef is with me now and the path is like an obstacle course in parts with us having to jump/climb and crawl at various parts.  

The path opens into an apple orchard, the trees are filled with red apples. There is a lost lamb there I go to it to try and help it threw the fence it vanished and a huge snake is on the grass, it comes up to me. 
It's stretched tall and is my hight, it lays it's head on my shoulder and its body is running down my back.   It wasn't aggressive it was more of an erotic move the snake liked me....  I call to the farmer woman who appears and I ask her to lift the snake off and that I'm not interested in it sexually.    She matter of factly sais ah yeh, it's a fire snake, you need earth or air.   A pentagram is burnt into the grass with the elements on the points of the star and she indicates where I sit on the star (also fire) and the flow of attraction with the other points.

I leave her and the snake and keep walking, Kef is still with me and we get to a tricky part of the fence, I climb threw ready to call the dog to jump and catch him as there isn't space for him to land...  I notice him run off outside the fence and call him back, I keep calling but he doesn't come. 

I look down and it's not Kef who is still with me laying at my feet on the other side of the fence and I see in the distance a female collie who looks like him.  I clim back threw and we head in the direction of the other dog. 

This leads to a bigger path with more people including the dog and it's family, we say hello and keep walking till we get to a small town.  It's a victorian coastal town, with tall old victorian buildings and inns they look new fresh bright painted woodend doors and windown frames and bright clean staind glass windows. 

I hand around a bit away I'm supposed to be meeting someone.  There is a more modern corner shop on my right and the owner calls me in - he askes me to cover for him for a while as he has an errand to run and I go behind the old fashioned style counter which has a till at each end and a sweet display in front. 

A guy comes into to buy new batteries and I find the pack he wants on a blister card hanging by the right hand till.  It has no price sticker and I can't find it's price on the price list their either. 

While I'm looking some kids come in trying to steal from the till, I jump over shut the till and kick the girl round the front of the shop again.  While I do that another boy trys to take from the right hand till, I shut that till too and tell them both I promised to take care of the shop.  Wake up here.

Last dream

I'm watching me from way up high.  I'm blind but instead of a white cane I have a rainbow staff with glowing runes down the sides. 

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