Thursday, 3 September 2020

Recycling & Forgetting.

So hazy... this morning, like the misty weather, I know last night was lovely and I need to cross-reference some stuff but thirsty and vague atm.

Early on was meditating back at 23.23 suddenly.. Body felt so alive.. tingly energy ๐Ÿ’™ Malico & Play. 

- First sleep cycle. DL & was with Inka healing, was like kraft paper or recycled cardboard.. lol old fibre into knew brown recycled/reformed. Familiar and renewing.

There had been a dream that was secondary to the sensation above of reformed old fambric.... Me & Bro(male me) talking to a dog/wolve about the moon and drugs... 4 disabled lovers who are interdependent as different abilities/strengths weakness.. they were swapping partners but the group was still 4... the dream space was just energetic floating almost sparking deep blue with an organic feel.

The cardboard gluey familiarity is chased around my body being by a shimmery rainbow manyness - tickly and playful ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿงก❤❤๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’œ

I get more dream recall about the underlying previous dream to me & Male me had been also talking to a mechanic about insurance/vehicle repair.... ready to sleep again just before 1.00

Told 'We go again 101.. Ren hurry' Sry about other night Inka.. 'lol Ren. NP, I can do gentle but don't forget what we are, our strength is in the journey, our being has travelled far we are all that you remember and still much more.. we've experienced what we needed and wanted to to get where we are' ... ' lol it's often been painful.  ๐Ÿ˜ It's a story that's seemed long but we are part of each other as a group we belong' 

Then I recall a piccy my actual Bro sent me this weekend of him & Ren! The first Ren :P 'Healing timelines Ren, blood DNA symbols' ๐Ÿ’œ

-  First part I knew was linked to other disability/ability dreams. 

Once I can find, recall in order.... lol that all fit too ;)

2016..  Dragon, cross 4 into 1 - broken King.

Jan 2017.. Crazy person frozen water

This wired one from March 2017 that I keep getting drawn back to atm.  The crowns 'Rein'  Also fits with the stasis/clean ups.. The Royal borked ness... and the Inka/ family split timeline healing stuff. April 2017..   Also, AI like story, Inka in last dream as Trickster... team abilitys & dog totem again.  Nov 2017  lol Dolphins & Serving. This fits to with last nights dreams & the others, team/abilitys.  Oh... this one too I'd sort of forgotton about.

Oh yeh, the term Inka is lord/ruler family isn't it?... so many dreams ๐Ÿ˜†

Slept again. & Woke 252.  

More dreams lower astral outside our Tomcat was out wandering and I went to check on him he was down the lane.. dark/damp but happy..   

Then from there into a dream, it's a wired familiar field but not a place I've dreamt of in what feels like such a long time, possibly childhood... Wired re'calls, now of this whole area.

Anyhoo the dream also felt like going back in time, there is a large house but it's half a house like a dolls house (Oh!! Other half building dreams including the one where I was told shaman training started) Elf Castle the other night, and others I recall - (Oh that was intergrating yellow/blue)

The half house is half-open, inside is a half dolls house like Russian dolls. Dom was there as male me narrating was music, not words. Forgotten tracks/lines...  

A tiny transparent tick on me again itchy, a fox cub deeply asleep/frozen.   Blugh... I can't even recall the foxs dreams again now!)   'Yep Ren you don't remeber shit... you don't need to, just play'

I'd forgotten the lines for the play (Oh this was in another dream from a few months ago) Decks had arrived to play the music but the party was yet to start... (also this dream) We were waiting for more pieces and visions... I couldn't recall role/lines. A very old PC too... finally getting an upgrade.  

Wake again after 5.. I'd been dreaming it was bubbling filtering trying to come threw to waking lol the whole evening all mushed up.  'Ren, you wrote it already.. it's there just come chill with us now'   

When I next wake it's 6.30 stuff in the room is doing that click/fizz tick thing that wakes me I'd been in the hut it was very busy.... a dream too.   

'Get up and right/write dreamer' Blugh.... 'Now bitch ๐Ÿ˜†' lol ok Inka...  

I recalled the last dream on getting up, had been a very very wet field long grass and loads of dog shit! Way too much and some very old narrow gauge train tracks threw the grass and a dilapidated engine shed.
I'd had the boys with me The boys and other men were having an issue with shit and something in there head that was making them sleepy/drowsy. They kept passing out it was like heat stroke but was caused by light not heat, I was chatting to another Mama about it and we were trying to move the boys down past the shed to get them to a place where they could rest - Light was a trigger.

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