Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Selkies, Blocked Tap and a Lucid Giant!

First dreams were of dancing again, I was in a fairytale.
Plot was bad people and good people.  Good people were doing bad things to others and 'we' are trying to stop a pattern repeating.   I become a fever dance... we take over dreams and fevers hallucinations and we dance threw them, we had to work fast to change things quickly.   When we got caught/noticed we recycled back in but we had made the change first.    It was a fast dream-dance/chant.

I can't make sense of this now I'm awake, but it seemed totally viable at the time :P 

Next dream was with my daughter in, there we 2 teachers who were female lovers, one of them wore jewels and had lots of diamonds in her teeth.... they were kind, smiley and helping my daughter. 

Next I'm in a building an odd version of my first home.   I'm in an upstairs room - at first there is no furniture, the north-facing wall is a mirror.   I can see my dream body in it, I'm very pale/slight and have very long rainbow coloured hair... I don't see my face. 

The next part there is now a large oak table set up for a meal (old fashioned style)  a large open window is to the west, with strange thin drappy curtains...      We are 4 people in the room and a chicken.    As we sit chatting at the table a starling flies in the open window being chased by a young juvenile herring gull (It still has bits of down on it and looks very recently fledged).     The gull sits on the window ledge calling, and the starling comes and lands on my head... It balances there waiting for the gull to leave.  

We stay in the same house but we now seem to be clearing it out and cleaning it..... there is tons of stuff in there that isn't wanted needed any-more (I notice many things are in 3's)

I go to the east facing kitchen... there is 1 sink but a spare tap to the South.  The south tap is clogged with lard and I take it apart to clean and scrape...    as I'm doing this I'm remote viewing over the other houses to the sea shore... it's like it was before my birth and the burn is a bigger and salty.    

I'm watching 3 people in the water in the burn, they are in the water a male and 2 females... they keep turning into seals and then back into people.   I remember I can do that too (Selkies) and make a note to go into the sea again soon.   

I bring my awareness back to body and I'm cleaning and polishing the tap until it's a shiny sliver colour.

Next dream, I'm in a town I think it's Darlington...  there is an old man I know, I've gone to see him he's drunk - he's throwing ice.   He throws it and it hits me in the back between my shoulders... it doesn't hurt but I will come back later when he's calmed down.   Next bit hits me on the back of the head as I turn a corner.  
I'm in a busy street, two females with disability's are walking slowly side by side.  I'm behind them I follow behind, but the crowed of people behind me are growing inpatient and they start to push with me at the front... I'm lifted of my feet as I'm pushed threw the gap between the 2 disabled women I smile and apologise to them a flood of people come threw and push me forward surging into a more open and relatively green town square.   The woman behind me who was pushing me apologises and we grin at each other before she walks of again.

Next part I'm in what seems like a town park, there is a huge area of green anyway and I'm with 2 others.  We are chatting when I hear a noise and think 'Oh, that sounds like our air-lock'  (old pipes) and I realise I'm dreaming.  

Not sure what to do now I start doing the back stroke in the air, the 2 people with me roll there eyes at me.   I smile and shoot of into the sky straight up and then teleport far away from them.   I can see them at the other side of the field pointing at me.     The dream scape looks square almost box like from this vantage point.   At this point a giant appears!

He's huge and wearing what looks like a lab coat and had the feeling of a science teacher...  I decide to go closer and zip around his head like an annoying fly :P   ...    (It's the same ratio giant as I always dream of so if I stood on his shoulder I could whisper in his ear. 

I woke up after that.   


First bit,  Not sure but it seems to follow on from the dream about coming together and preparing to dance... also happen in the early part of the night (this is when my wired and void things happen)    They are more experiences that dreams with details. 

Then the dream,  humm   2 female lovers - and were my daughters teachers.  One with diamonds in her teeth....    Hum, possibly some kind of guidance... they seemed nice and very loving :stuck_out_tongue:   

Next I'm in a building an odd version of my first home.   I'm in an upstairs room - at first there is no furniture, the north-facing wall is a mirror.   I can see my dream body in it, I'm very pale/slight and have very long rainbow coloured hair... I don't see my face. 

Not sure, I've never had long hair...  I don't really like it seems like to much hard work :stuck_out_tongue:  lol it was nice though!  Not sure what this means, it was very feminine I guess and the colours were nice.  North in the Celtic medicine wheel is earth  oh so feminine.. sacred feminine... so in the dream I'm seeing myself as a reflection of feminine (mirror was here)  - I'm not dark I'm pale and colourful, I think I was dancing here too, this it the maiden goddess aspect I guess.  (fits with the time of year)

Next part, 'Others' (I often have a small group in dreams)   + Lots of birds, this seems consistent with the shift I felt to air, lots of air totems to work with. 

The chicken -- errr  humm,   jungle fowl domesticated, I saw wild ones when I was in Nepal...  ''. Chicken energy will point out to you the need to scratch around further and seek out more information of the bigger picture to become fully aware of the responsibilities for the individual and group energy healing to be done for the sake of the Earth. Chickens are teachers from the Bird Kingdom, curious and sensitive to all that goes on around them. They belong to the elements of Air (Thoughts) and Earth (Grounding), which put credence to the term ‘Earth Angels’ when mentioning Chicken. The sheer numbers of chickens on Earth at any one time calls in the largess of this huge group/individual soul energy working to bring you guidance at this time. It may remind you of the phrase “all your chickens have come home to roost” so pray and pay attention to ready yourself for taking action!''  Ok, so the chicken was part of the group too.... so we are to dig deeper.   -  Wow, Chicken is a pretty interesting totem :P   Also, fits with the Celtic wheel...   Earth into Air transition.

The starling, dark but rainbow and landed on my head with rainbow hair...   crown chakra.   Starlings are very much flock/unity birds, messengers of communication.  Gull's are more independent but still like company, powerful, aggressive  I've spoken to a juv herring gul before in a dream. 

This seems to be a message about inner voice and speaking out.  coming from the west, so this would be for me from water.   So unity or emotions.  This seems to be finding my voice, knowing when to talk and when not to and not being bullish with my voice.   The gull is also a high flyer so perhaps gaining a higher spiritual perspective on the starlings scope of unity.

Selkies, Blocked Tap and a Lucid Giant!
First dreams were of dancing again, I was in a fairytale. Plot was bad people and good people.  Good people were doing bad things to others...

Humm...  next bit,    this seems like mental/spiritual house keeping and clearing..... still lots of tat around.   The tap... it's a channle of water so unity/emotion/love  and it's gunked up so it wasn't working...  I'm fixing this, it's also in the south, so fire  'intuition/imagination/visions and action'    -  gunked with lard/fat (could be greed)     so solid at cold temp, needs warming or removing.   

While I do this I'm looking at something remotely..   3 a trinity/triune again (mind/bod/spirit complex)  Selkies - seal people, at home in water or on land.  (Also the Selkie myth is fascinating too)  So seals, gentle, playful  ...  insulated! By lard :stuck_out_tongue:  enabling them to live in frozen waters.. 

Humm,  I've been insulating myself from the full flow of my emotions,  it's time to change this (I'm working on this in the dream to physically break down the insulation - and I'm showing myself a vision to remind myself I'm at home with my emotions...  I'm also learning  the elements and how I can work with them in dream to understand myself.

Next dream,

Hum, this is something I need to revisit... he's throwing frozen water on a sunny day.  I have something unresolved here that I will come back to another time.  It's ice and hits me back & head...  it's an issue of heart & mind and emotion from the 'past'

Street..  hum.

Different speeds, and all women.  I was happy to wait, but the others are in a rush, but I was the one that pushed threw??   It was all friendly, we all seemed to have the same destination.   The lucid bit I'm just playing really :stuck_out_tongue:  Though why they giant, I really have no idea!

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